2007. szeptember 29., szombat

As Csép referred to it I was pretty disjointed in my posts, he used the word incoherent but nevermind.Anyway, I am like that but let's try to follow a timeline.

I woke up before ten o'clock and got up at ten.Everyone else was sleeping and while having my breakfast (pictured) Darren arrived.

I phoned Jo, a member from the sailing club if there is sailing today and there was but from eleven.The change occurred yesterday and I should have been informed about it but I was not.I phoned Jo at 11:19 and they were about to go out, so next week.

I stayed at home and did pretty much like nothing; read and watched the movie Freedom Writers, which is worth watching to everybody.

I mentioned yesterday that hopefully I can try surfing today.I went down to the beach at about the same time.Two lads were there but not the guy from yesterday, occasionally I found out his name; George.They didn't allow me to surf as they don't know who I am.I can understand, maybe I would not have done the same, but still normal reaction.

And this should not have been the end of my they after the plans, which contained a trip to Grafton street just to take a look at the nightlife, but I am bored enough to skip it and do it next week.

South Park is out in Gaelic, runs on TG4 and sound weird.It is at 6pm which means that the cursing is out.Gaelic sounds like English anyway.

I'm listening to Julie London, Nat King Cole and things like that right now.Both Bloc Party and Manu Chao come to Dublin during November and October.I found the sport skimboarding on the internet and looks cool, so it is attached to my list.



2007. szeptember 28., péntek

4 weeks are over, r they?

Tonga is right now getting beaten up by England.But at least they have cooler shirts.Today I had a normal day, wrote the maths test, let's see, I do not think it will be good.My english essays are 76%
and a C2.Tomorrow I'll hopefully have sailing.As I came home after the waterpolo training by DART I saw some lads surfing at Killiney beach and went down to watch how they get along.I talked to one of them and maybe(fingerscross!) I can try it tomorrow.I'm happy 'bout it.Richie moved out.I can not really stand one of the guys from shool, he's selfish and an idiot, but still he is the basketball team captain.
I'm furious about the situation in burma/myanmar.I knew that the goverment is going to react like this, didn't have high expectations when the minister for religious issues is a Brigadier General.FREE TIBET! was the slogan till now, hopefully it changes to FREE TIBET AND BURMA!

2007. szeptember 27., csütörtök

three free classes

yesterday I had a normal day.I had the german lesson and, well, so the other guys and the girls are beginners, like Ich heiBe und meine Hobbys sind.hopefully I don't have to attend these lessons just pass the exams.I've talked to my parents yesterday, too and the booked the flights for xmas and mid-term break.I considered the idea of switching over to the ordinary level geography class, but too many messers are there so Mr Kelly adviced me to stay in the hl.Today I had three free classes, the double geography and the history.We ad basketball taining today, just on our own.
Here are some naems I've already learned: O'Keefe, O'Driscoll, O'Donnell, O'Neill, O'Shaugnessy, O'Quickey, O'Hara, O'Mara.No more comes to my mind right now.Anyway weather got colder, but I like it.HALO 3 is out, and looks awesome, Epson has it and said it blows your head off.
P.S.:Beside my jacket my caps became my attitude as well

2007. szeptember 25., kedd

Where was I?

Today Barry visited the school.No problem.Gerret(my classmate, not the german guy) is pretty weird.We'll have a maths test on thursday, no big hopes.Richie is moving out tomorrow.The official end of the Waterpolo game is 28 to 12.
P.S.:I'm watching my name is Earl

2007. szeptember 24., hétfő


Hi mindenki!
Ma volt ay első vizilabda meccsünk, aláztuk az arcokat.26ü8, de ez csak kb, ennél talán kicsit kevesebb.Én 6 körül osztottam.Megkaptam az első töri essyét, osztálz legjobb de ez is csak B+.A föci tanárt nem bírom, sztem nem jó tanár, lehet hogy ott váltok ordinaryra.Volt kosár edzés is, jól ment.
P.S.:we won the waterpolo game, I scored 6
P.S.2:wir haben beim Wasserball gewonnen, machte ca 6 Tore
P.S.3:I have a beautiful video about where I live

2007. szeptember 21., péntek

Today is raining( maybe in paradise as well)

Important?Th thing Steve said on maybe the first day doesn't go outta my head; No, no, you cool.I think it's so typical english.Whatever.I had my classes together with the 7th year people, there are some(two) nice girls.I'm just back from the pub.I've watched the Ireland vs France rugby game, unfortunately Ireland lost 25-3.I will not join the waterpolo club, it is too far away.I had thew waterpolo training today at Marian, wasn't that bad because the water was cold, or at least colder.I'm sorry Ali G lost in celebrity dethmatch/deafmatch.Tomorrow I'll try to go to sail but i'm not sure about it.School looks still ok.my life here is def.
P.S.:It's 23:12

2007. szeptember 19., szerda


angol/english/Englisch higher Level
földrajz/geography/Erdkunde HL
matek/maths/Mathe HL
gazdasagtan(?)/business/BWL HL
német(még nem kezdődött el)/german/Deutsch HL
töri/history/Geschichte HL
számtech/computer/ITG ordinary Level


Tegnap visszakaptam az elso dolgozatom:foldrajz, 65%, lehetett volna jobb is, kicsit tobbet kellett volna keszulnom.Megkaptama a ket angol esszet:excellent :-D
Ma esett az eso, ez itt azt jelenti hogy nyugodtan olvasom tovabb a konyvet meg sem latszik a papiron.hidegebb az ido, tegnap faztam ma pedig elmentem a kabatomban; az izlesficamos zoldben.Nagyon birom azt a kabatot.Ma viszont nem volt rendes suli mert a tobbiek egyetemrol szolo eloadasra mentekEn bent voltam harom orat amikor angol esszet irtam, aztan a hetdikesekkel akik igazabola mi orainkra jarnak voltam business-en es angolon aztan haza.
Tegnap beszeltem osokkel.Mellesleg itt a vitorlasklub honapja ha erdekel titeket: http://www.sailingindublin.ie/
Remelem nem felejtettem ki semmit.
P.S.2:nem tudom mi a baja a honlap orajanak itt most 14:31 van

2007. szeptember 17., hétfő

normal day

Hi! Sailing was not bad.The people were like oh the wind is about 4 to 5 beaufort, too much, we could sail.But let's not.But when we went out, me with a 420 it wasn't bad, just that the bosss said I'll have a girl where he knows she can sail.well, she didn't have experience in big wind.So we ended up at the wall.Then Itook it and had a great time, till she fall into the water and we came out, though she had a wetsuit.Whatever, it was sailing at least.If I can find somebody who would do it like me than I could sail every weekend and participate in regattas.I met one of the sons of the final host family of Guillermo.He knows surfers and is cool.I'll keep in touch with him. Shenada is sick.Everything is fine, seeya Lads.
P.S.:never know if Iforgot sth

2007. szeptember 16., vasárnap

before sailing

Sry, dass ich gestern nicht gepostet hab, schaute Jarhead.Ich hab einen Adapter fur die Steckdose.Gestern war es herrlich, wirklich wunderschon.Ich aB Doner am Hafen und schaute die Menge von Schiffen auf dem Meer, es schien die Sonne und Wind gabs auch, prima.Ich saB ca 40 minuten da.Spaeter auf dem Weg nach Hause mit dem DART sah ich viele Leute am Strand und ruf Timi an ob sie nicht zum Strand moechte.Ich hatte einfach kein Bock alleine zu gehen.Um halb sechs trafen wir uns und sie ging zwar nicht ins Wasser aber hatten einfach was zu tun.Mir gehts immer noch gut , Wetter ist rima, heut kommt noch ein post ueber segeln

2007. szeptember 14., péntek

second weekend

Mr Harding said my essay is alright.I just finished apocalypto, not bad.I'm watching My name is earl right now.It got colder today, but I went swimming anyway.Tomorrow I'll call both the sailing guy, Jo and the waterpolo trainer.I didn't oday because I just want to sleep out and do all my homework.I feel alright, nothing special. A s I was jogging at the beach I saw some beautifulthings, will take a picture of it tomorrow or sunday.Fingerscross for Ireland.
P.S.:I'm surprised that my classmates don't go out together to watch the game
P.S.2:yes, comment.

2007. szeptember 13., csütörtök


I'm in the basketball squad as No.5, some in the tream say we could win the championship, let's do it.guillermo is maybe doin wel with Margarita.I bought a magazine; Classic Military Vehicle, not bad, think I'll buy one magazine every month.Important, Richie is moving out, had argument with his mom.I didn't call the waterpolo trainer yet, tomorrow.I bought myself copies today.What annoys me is that some of my classmates suck their noses (do you say it like this?) or spit on the ground.Its digusting.
P.S.:I'm doin' fine

2007. szeptember 12., szerda

12th day

I had the basketball trials, and tomorrow I'll know the result.Britney's performance on the MTV VMA was really abd, I've seen it today.I got te package fro Hungary today, it only took one week to get here.I got some stuff I don't need, e. g. plastic soldiers.I bought myself the second pair of trousers at Grafton Street, but there are some really cool shops as well.That's it for today as i'm getting to get a life here I'll have less time to post so my posts will be shorter.
P.S.:thx for the comments

2007. szeptember 11., kedd


who knows, he/she knows what this is


ma volt mneden jopofa oram asszem menni fog a rugby meg minden sport.ma lattam lanyokat a sulinal, csinosak.Angolra az elmult harom esszem ztem eleg jo lett majd bepostolom a kedvencem.Van Fachom.Mas lenyeges em volt
P.S.:levagattam a hajam
P.S.2:gondoltam igy ps ben hatasos lesz, es cula csak te kommentalhatsz olyat hogy kis*********** meg ********* a tobbiek nem csesztethetik a kepet, informativ jellegel csinaltam mikozben irom a blogot es kijottem a zuhanybol

2007. szeptember 10., hétfő


i SPEAK A LOT OF GERMAN."i'M WATCHING KISS, KISS BANG, BANG"sry for the caps lock.had different courses today, the geography teacher reminded me not to belate, whatever I'm gonna drop geography as higher level and I had to talk to the math teacher.that man is awesome, the maths lessons are great, but its pretty difficult to me.W e had some women there who spoke abput applying for university in Ireland, she was nice but I hate her style, she's gonna help us during the whole year.I had waterpolo today at the school.The pool is bad; 25m, warm water and sometimes 1,5 meter deep, that sucks.I'm back from playing some rugy with garret, one of the three german guys staying in Shankill.I'm not sure if I can play rugby as well, I'll see.SHIT my monitor is like peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. its annoying.So that was it I'll see you later.
P.S.:I found a novel: The year in Ireland by Kevin Danaher, funny isn't it?

2007. szeptember 9., vasárnap

eine kleine Huette

ez a vityillo es a 2 testverkeje a parton all majd csinalok jobb kepet csak voltam lent edzeni es vittem a gepet

Bonos Haus

this is the house of Bono from U2

dalkey island

na ezt reggel latom suliba menet


tuti az egyenruham mi?das uniform von marian college, optimum optare ist das motto , ein besseres bild kommt noch


ha kihajolok akkor ezt latom az ablakbol

dun laoghaire

ez a kikoto dun laoghaireben

ugyszint bolyak

ugyanott keszult

szep nagy bojak

szep nagy bojak, tomos nehezen birna el
right hand drive, crazy


I was at the club but couldn't sail today, due to different reasons.I don't feel bad about Margarita anymore.I'm watching lucky number slevin and went to bed early yesterday, think will take a swim and jogging today, too though its windy and cold.and now I'll try to load up the pictures.
so fard
P.S.:still have the english homework left

2007. szeptember 8., szombat

saturday evening

well, lst week at this time I was on the airplane pretty excited and right now pretty annoyed and sad that it didn't work with Maargarita, she's......let it.it will be over tomorrow its just bad I've stayed home and didn't go out.I didn't tell but I used the razor from my emergency kit by Vilja and Mesi because the plugs are different here.I'm sorry for Japan losing against Australia, they fought well.But Hungary won in football.Adam's playing golf.I think I'll try to transport my bow to ireland, cuz I' dlike to shoot some on the beach.Tomorrow sailing and english homework, geogrpahy is done.I've talked to my mom and dad and brotheer and have micros to my pc.the family is amazingly coolthat's it
P.S.:its annoying that she couldn't even say; hi ok I pick up the phone but I don't want to meet with you, would've been still better.


es a nyolcadik napon megpihent, vagy vitorlazni metn :-P
9:45kor felkeltem kaja aztan punnyados es most jottem emg voltam uszni(igen, baromi hideg a viz) kb 60 metert, majd lesz tobb de kicsiben kezdem, ismertek elkepzelhetitek ha en sem akarok tobbet akkor milyen lehet.aztan futottam 20 percet el a kovetkezo felszigetig ahol nem lehet tovabb menni.zsir volt.siralyok tengerzugas keves szel huvos ido homok, emberek akik kutyat setaltatnak, kavicsok, hajok.most chaky lemezet hallgatom egy ideje, foleg tigris joana szamat, KIRALY.
na eddigennyi volt ma majd meg postolok este talan engolul
P.S.:stay scared

2007. szeptember 7., péntek


gerade schau ich ,,my name is earl" mit jasen lee und bin zuruck aus dun laoghaire, war net so gut weil margarita sehr viel telefoniert ht aber wir sehens morgen.sie ist sehr hubsch. hab jetzt noch mit guillermo gesprochen und ein sms an Margarita geschickt.Schreibe vom eigenen Zimmer weil ich jetzt hier auch internet hab.ich mocht musikhoren irds jetzt auch machen.dco nicht das maish bowling film lauft und das ist geil.naja hatte heute 2 english business zum ersten mal ist easysorehen uber EU institutionen, nach MEP ist es ok.hatte noch 2 gschi und geo werde naechste woche basketball trials haben es ist locker und dann wasserball am montag und dann s irgendwann probiere ich rugby aus.habs beschlossen jeden Tag in anderer Sprache zu schreiben aber nur auf einer.naja das wars msorgen schreib ich noch was.
P.S.;wunsch mir viel gluck mit margarita

2007. szeptember 6., csütörtök

hatodik nap

megszegtek a hatodik nap torvenyet.....most joen az hogy a kormanyzo ur duehbe gurul.kihagyom mindnki kiveheti a te'ka'bo'.
Ma magyarul nyitok mert tegnap kihagytam.most ma'r van rendszerem a postokhoz.
ma is volt angolom meg koezga'z, mert eloebbiboel 10 utobbibo'l 7 van hetente, de dave-nek 15 oraja vana matek tanarral.asszem hagyom az ekezetet.volt meg foci meg tori meg rajz.pocsekul rajzolok de dobom is es megyek helyettte koezga'zra, abba jo' voltam ma es igy dubla annyim lesz mint a toebbieknek.ma volt evnyito mise, nemrossz mi a sok ateista(osztrak, lettorszagi orosz, francia) jol szorakoztunk mikor megaldottak a focilabdat meg a tankonyveket, de azert persze tisztelettudoan.ma volt az ukran Alex uccso napja, o tudott magyarul, meg 1 srac van fillip aki 4edizig magyarr de semmit nem tud.holnap strand timivel(ma felhivtam) es persze margaritaval ;-)))a mise utan nem nyitotta ki a focitanar a termet szval mire kinyitottak es elmentem a tescoba persze hogy keson voltam de ennem kell es elotte mar megettem egy szendzsot az ebedembol is mert hypoztam szval kestem ezert inkabb Ms Faheyhez mentem be rajzra neki azert 1szerubb megmagyarazni mint igy nyitni a kozgaz tanarnal.a szamtech/kozgaz2 tanar jo @rc mert fiatal.hazafele jovet jol szorakoztunk a DARTon, vicces volt.tanulok irul Jackietol, nagyon jofej szeretek itthon lenni.dalkey utan killney fele jovet ahol Bono lejaroja van a strandra latta a tengeren egy 3 arbocost de nemtom talan scooner volt, passze.gyonyoru latvany: kek tenger kek eg zold fuves szikla es egy scooner.beszeltem Brendaval es vasarnap vitorinyo.holnap vege a hetnek, retek sok hazit kapunk foleg irni kell 2-3 oldalakat.hetfon elso vizilabda.Minden OK tanarak szeretnek menni fog, eleg lightosnak tunik csak rendszerezni kell.Most emelt szinten vagyok angol, matek, tori, nemet,foeci es kozep szamtech,kozgaz vagy abbol atalan nem.mindenesetre dobni fogom az melet matekot meg a focit, nem szeretnem tul nehezre csinalni inkabb niztosra megyek.megneztem angliaban vagy 4 helyen van military history mint tanszek meg war studies szval tudom hova megyek kb.itt viszont imadok lenni en vagyok a vilag egyik legszerencsesebb emebere ha lesz baratnom, lehetoleg margarita akkor plane.

sziasztom ennyi volt a moka mara zarul misi mokatara
P.S.:Daninak mar megmondtam az oldalt
P.S.2:lesznek kepek

2007. szeptember 5., szerda

Fuenfter Tag

Hallo Leute,
Sry dass ich nicht geschrieben habe, hab's vergessen.Die Zeit hätte ich eigentlich gehabt nur ich habe meine Hausaufgaben gemacht und gepennt, war auch im Meer schwimmen(ist richtig kalt).aso:
erster Tag an der Schule:richtig geil, die Klassenkamaraden haben geholfen und sind nett und hab auch keine Probleme mit dem essen.Hab's zwar nicht erwartet aber musste am Unterricht teilnehmen.In Reli haben wir die Schueler-Kapitän und Vize-Kapitän gewählt.Ich stimmte fuer Davey und er schuldet mir 50 cent jetzt.Die Schule ist super endet aber nur um 15:30.Ich verstehe alles auch alle Woerter und die verstehen mich auch.Ich bin in den stärkeren Klassen aus Englisch, Geschi, Mathe und Erdkunde , werde die letzten beiden aber wegvwerfen da die schon bisschen schwerer sind und ich gehe aufs Sicheres.Habe noch ITG und Business, probierte zuerst BK bin aber nicht richtig gut.Deutsch wird nur erst nächste Woche gebenDa werde ich auch hoehere Klasse machen und auch Abi.Heute wa die Schule ziemlich frueh um halb zwei aus.bin mit den Spaniern und einem Oesterreicher und einem Franzosen auf dem DART gefahren .Der Oesterreicher spielt sehr gut Wasserball.Ich kann mir die Namen aber schlecht merken, kommt aber.Ich wrde Wasserball und Baskettball spielen und nächste Woche Rugby asuprobieren.Seglenschule fand ich mal schauen, ich rufe die morgen an.

das war's dann Kumpeln,
P.S.:sry for the spelling in the english text, didn't pay attention

5th day

srzy guys that I didn't write you, forgot abut it.I actually had the time it's just that I've been doin homework and layin around going to the see.so:
first day at school:really OK the lads are nice they're helping and thre's no problem aI can sort my things out with food.I didn't expect but had to go to the lessons.in religion we've elected the school captain and vice-captai.I vote for Davey and he's gonna pay me 50 cent for it.school ends pretty late 'bout 3:30.I understand everything they say, every single word and they understand me too.I'm in the higher level in english, history, maths and geogrphy.ordinary level I have business(first I tried arts but I ain't really good at it), computer, and that's it.German starts next week, I'm gonna be higher level and will do leavin' cert, too.I'm thinkin' about goin to ordinary level from geo and maths, too.Today we had school off pretty early at half past one pm because of sports
.I can't remember the names very good but it will be fine I hope.I'll try out rugby but won't really play it, I will play waterpolo and basketball and tryin' to get in cotact with brenda from the sailing club, will phone her tomorrow.
so that's it fellas,
P.S.:i'll try not to let this blog die

2007. szeptember 2., vasárnap

masodik nap

kiraly a hely, a tenger az utca vegen, lattam Bono hazat ettem egy igazi ir kocsmaban szuper az ido a szobam kicsi de otthonos, szeretem.a csalad nagyon kedves es mar 5 gyerek lakott naluk, szval rutinosak.A vitorlass klubbot nem talaltuk meg de majd elmegyek megegyszer megnezem.a kutya jo arc, es mar tisztaban vagyok a kusza csaladi viszonyokkal.meg azert nehez megszokni hogz a kocsik a masik oldalt jarnak de jo lesz ez.mindent megertek csak a nagyapo kiejteset nem, o azert eleg durva.
P.S.:a spanyol lany nagyon jol nez ki, es kozel lakik.
P.S.2:meg nem szorakoztam a magyar billentyuzet beallitasaval

zweiter Tag

Also bin glucklich angekommen, B ist ein cooler Typ und ein Mädchen aus Madrid ist sehr hubsch.Das Meer ist am Ende der StraBe, wir waren mit dem Hund bisschen spazieren und ich sah Bono's Haus.Ich bin mit den Familienbeziehungen klar gekommen.Mein Zimmer ist geil, hab eigenen PC und Fernseher und Handy.Es ist zwar klein aber ich mags auch deswegen.Waren in einem echten Pub esssen, nachher suchten wir dann die Segelverein, haben's aber nicht gefunden.
P.S.:verstehe ziemlich alles ausser Opas Aussprache, naja er ist auch ein bisschen taub

second day

I've arrived successfully and the family is veeerrryy nice.I've got my own room and tv and cell phonean computer, the sea is at the end of the road.I saw the house of Bono.We ate lunch at a typical irish pub, I ate 4 slices odf beef, was great.Didn't find the sailing club.The dog, Ross is sweet.get up at 10 but was wake since 8.B... is nice too, oh and now I know how the familz is with all the children.I watched the movie night at the museum, and the spanish girl is hot.
P.S.:I'm still excited, and love my room

2007. szeptember 1., szombat

első nap

este akkor repülő, rohadtul izgulok, meglássuk
P.S.:ez azért egy elég idegőrlő nap

Erster Tag

Heute geht's los. Bin schon ziemlich aufgeregt, könnt ihr euch vorstellen.
P.S.:War noch nie da, bin voll der freshman

First day

today I'm going to leave to Ireland, I'm quiet excited.:-p
P.S.:have more than twelwe hours till the plane leaves