Merry Christmas!Boldog Karácsonyt!Frohe Weihnachten!Joyeuses Fêtes!
2007. december 25., kedd
2007. december 20., csütörtök
Vege a vizsgaknak, szunet van.Ma megyek bulizni a haverokkal, jo lesz. jol esett hogy tobben megjegyeztek; kar nem leszel itt szilvezterkor, 3an( egyik srac szulinapi bulija). Ma masodjara elvittem a kutyat setalni.
Annyit mar tudok hogy 45% a business vizsgam, tobbre szamitottam.
P.S.:Holnap van az ev legrovidebb napja.December huszonegy es ilyenkor egy csodalatos fenomen lathato Newgrange-en.Iden eloszor barki lathatja, erdemes:
P.S.2:Morgen ist der längste Tag des Jahres, also kann man in Newgrange ein angeblich atemberaubendes Phenomen sehen:
P.S.3:Tomorrow is the longest day of the year, means you can see something amazing at Newgrange:
P.S.3:demain matin on allez pouvoir voir Newgrange et leclat des lumieres:
Annyit mar tudok hogy 45% a business vizsgam, tobbre szamitottam.
P.S.:Holnap van az ev legrovidebb napja.December huszonegy es ilyenkor egy csodalatos fenomen lathato Newgrange-en.Iden eloszor barki lathatja, erdemes:
P.S.2:Morgen ist der längste Tag des Jahres, also kann man in Newgrange ein angeblich atemberaubendes Phenomen sehen:
P.S.3:Tomorrow is the longest day of the year, means you can see something amazing at Newgrange:
P.S.3:demain matin on allez pouvoir voir Newgrange et leclat des lumieres:
2007. december 19., szerda
post 101
Am Montag hatte ich Geschichte Prufung, ging mittelmaBig.Am Dienstag hatte ich gar nichts, hab' Geschenke gekauft.Ein Tipp fur Geschenke kaufen in Dublin, aber auch anderswo.Ich dachte mir ich bring was Irisches, aber ich lebe hier, ich soll's ja nicht.Also Leute; gehe ins Fair-Trade shop und kaufe was sehr hubsches fur wenig Geld.Ab jetzt werde ich immer da meine Geschenke kaufen.
Am Mittwoch, heute, hatte ich eine schrekliche Mathe Prufung und eine angemaBige Business( sollte ich das zu Geschäft ubersetzen?neeeee) Prufung.
Morgen Englisch und Schlittschuch laufen
Am Montag hatte ich Geschichte Prufung, ging mittelmaBig.Am Dienstag hatte ich gar nichts, hab' Geschenke gekauft.Ein Tipp fur Geschenke kaufen in Dublin, aber auch anderswo.Ich dachte mir ich bring was Irisches, aber ich lebe hier, ich soll's ja nicht.Also Leute; gehe ins Fair-Trade shop und kaufe was sehr hubsches fur wenig Geld.Ab jetzt werde ich immer da meine Geschenke kaufen.
Am Mittwoch, heute, hatte ich eine schrekliche Mathe Prufung und eine angemaBige Business( sollte ich das zu Geschäft ubersetzen?neeeee) Prufung.
Morgen Englisch und Schlittschuch laufen
post 100
Tudom, tudom, irjak tobbet.
A heten el vagyok havazva a vizsgaimmal, osszefoglaloma mi eddig volt.
Hetfon megirtam delutan a tortenelmet, nem lett fenyes.Majd meglatjuk milyen, de nekem ez azert szokatlan bemennni es lekormolni 12 oldalt.
Keddden nem volt semmi, a varosban jartam kicsit( ajandekok) aztan itthon tanultam.
Szerdan, azaz ma, megirtam a matek es a kozgaz tesztet: utobbi eleg jol sikerult, elobbi gyatran. Karacsony utan jobban rafekszem a dolgokra.Egyik osztalytarsam mondta: igazabol ezek a vizgak azert vannak hogy raebresszenek minket:TANULJ!
Holnap angol, es ezzzel vege, szombaton megyek haza.Meg holnap talan megyek korcsolyazni.
P.S.:Van egy roham Karacsony elott, most, azt tul kell elni. A kovetkezo vasarloorulet 27-en jon, amikor is ket emberfajta megy: A learazasra ehes keselyu(en is) es az akinel alabbi tortent; Jaj, pont errre vagytam [par masodperc szunet] Ugye megtartottad a blokkot?
A heten el vagyok havazva a vizsgaimmal, osszefoglaloma mi eddig volt.
Hetfon megirtam delutan a tortenelmet, nem lett fenyes.Majd meglatjuk milyen, de nekem ez azert szokatlan bemennni es lekormolni 12 oldalt.
Keddden nem volt semmi, a varosban jartam kicsit( ajandekok) aztan itthon tanultam.
Szerdan, azaz ma, megirtam a matek es a kozgaz tesztet: utobbi eleg jol sikerult, elobbi gyatran. Karacsony utan jobban rafekszem a dolgokra.Egyik osztalytarsam mondta: igazabol ezek a vizgak azert vannak hogy raebresszenek minket:TANULJ!
Holnap angol, es ezzzel vege, szombaton megyek haza.Meg holnap talan megyek korcsolyazni.
P.S.:Van egy roham Karacsony elott, most, azt tul kell elni. A kovetkezo vasarloorulet 27-en jon, amikor is ket emberfajta megy: A learazasra ehes keselyu(en is) es az akinel alabbi tortent; Jaj, pont errre vagytam [par masodperc szunet] Ugye megtartottad a blokkot?
2007. december 16., vasárnap
I published the post of my essay as my exams start tomorrow.
Monday: History
Wednesday:Maths and Business
I'm scared of Maths and Business, anyway, let's see.
P.S.:I catched a cold
Monday: History
Wednesday:Maths and Business
I'm scared of Maths and Business, anyway, let's see.
P.S.:I catched a cold
The role of the GAA and the Gaelic League in the development of cultural nationalism in Ireland
In the 1870's and 1880's, a new type of nationalism emerged in Irelnad that was influenced by cultural rather than political issues. This new movement became known as cultural nationalism.The culture of a nation refers to its "way of life" and can include language, customs, traditions, food, manners, games, dress, music and dance. At the time Irish people were struggling with their identity. They spoke English, played English sports and many areas of everyday life were covered by English traditions.Their movements were tied to politics. cultural nationalism defined Irishness as beig different from the English.
On 1 November 1884 the Gaelic Athletic Association was officially formed at a meeting in Thurles. There were only seven people at this meeting. Two of them were John Cusack and Maurice Davitt, who was one of the most famous, respected and successul athletes in Ireland. The GAA was formed because the Irish played English games and they needed their own, otherwise another part of life would be covered by foreign traditions. The aims were to organise Irish sports according to Irish rules. These had to be drawn up and the membership was allowed to all classes. It was agreed that Davin should become the GAA's first president and Cusack was appointed secretary. Archbishop Croke, Parnell and Michael Davitt became patrons.
Throughout 1885 and 1886, the GAA developed very quickly. New clubs were formed and games and athletic meetings were organised. Similarly to the meetings of the Land League these were attended by large crowds.The clubs were established on parochial system, but a town was allowed to have more clubs if there were enough inhabitants. First inter-parish games were organised and this laid the basis for a national competition. In these clubs the Irish had the opportunity for the first time to take part in administration, organisation and set their own rules. One of these was the ban of joining any non-GAA athletic clubs for members. Archbishop Croke opposed this and it was dropped in 1886, as the inmediate opponent, the Irish Amateur Athletic Association failed. It was formed in February, 1885 by 5 Dublin based clubs.The GAA county Committees became a major center of the people's life.
The GAA did commence as a cultural movement, but was linked to political nationalism from the very start. His patrons were all linked to the IRB; Parnell, Davitt as founder of the Land League, John O'Leary, a former Fenian and Archbishop Croke, a firm nationalist. The GAA did not hide his sympathy for nationalist politics and it had two reasons; they did not want unionists to join tried to attract the IRB's interest. In November 1886, the GAA's second convention elected a new Genereal Council. All of the members, apart from Davin, were members of the IRB. Over the next year they banned RIC members from the GAA. Another key decision was to automatically appoint every Central Council member to a member of every County Committee. These political disputes nearly undid the success of the GAA.
Davin resigned in protest in May 1887 and there was also much opposition to the IRB takeover from the Home Rulers and the Catholic Church. At the GAA's third convention 200 delegates walked out and the IRB had to agree to compromise. On the next meeting Davin was re-appointed and the IRB's influence was reduced.
Although the original idea could be defended against politics another problem weakened the GAA. Parnell's private life, and the scandal on the divorce. The Catholic Church condemned Parnell's behaviour and the Home Rule Party split as well. So did the GAA's patrons, but the GAA, controlled by the IRB came out in support of Parnell, a minority viewpoint. The GAA formed a guard of honour at Parnell's funeral in 1891. The public saw the movement as a Parnellite organisation and remained in minority during the 1890's. At the annual meeting in 1892, only six counties with 200 clubs were represented. Some coutnties did not even have any clubs. The GAA did survive, and a revival of the association began in the 1900's. The GAA now focused on sports and stayed clear of politics. By 1914 the GAA was an enormous success. In 1913, ca 35,000 spectators attended the All-Ireland final and the works on the national stadium, Croke Park began.
The success of the GAA was helped by the Gaelic League. The Gaelic League was set up on 31 July, 1893, by 7 members. Their main aim was to stop the decline of Gailge as a spoken language. Since the early 19th century due to the Great Famine, emigration, the lack of education, the media and popular attitudes less and less spoke it. There were no classes in national schools for Irish, no Irish newspapers and the official language was English only. Many tried to deal with the problem, but the League suceeded. They proposed a bi-lingual society and the development of a modern Irish literature, too. The League grew slowly, and this only changed due to the nationalist feelings during the commemoration of the 1798 Rebellion. The League failed, where the GAA could survive; in 1915 the IRB took over. Douglas Hyde resigned in protest, but the League became part of the violent nationalism.
The Gaelic League was innovative in many ways. It was the first major organisation to admit men and women as equals. One of them was Lady Augusta Gregory. Lady gregory came from a prominent, unionist background and opposed Home Rule. However, she later came ot accept it. She was interested in Irish folklore and through her wealth and influence Lady Gregory was able to patronise Yeats and others. Yeats was born to a middle class , protestant family. He became interested in Irish folklore and was drawn towards nationalism. In 1888 Yeats helped to found the Pan-Celtic Society, their aim was to promote writing solely of Irish interest. He was founder of the Abbey Theatre as well.
Even though both the GAA and the Gaelic League were founded as on-political movements, they were influenced by the IRB. Their biggest legacy was that they provided something to the people which was their own and uniquely Irish. The people by joining these movements had the opportunity to organise and administreate. These skilled men later became the Irish politicans and ministers.
[Written by Daniel Dalicsek, Sources:Movements for Political and Social Reform, 1870-1914 by Michael Doran published by FOLENS]
On 1 November 1884 the Gaelic Athletic Association was officially formed at a meeting in Thurles. There were only seven people at this meeting. Two of them were John Cusack and Maurice Davitt, who was one of the most famous, respected and successul athletes in Ireland. The GAA was formed because the Irish played English games and they needed their own, otherwise another part of life would be covered by foreign traditions. The aims were to organise Irish sports according to Irish rules. These had to be drawn up and the membership was allowed to all classes. It was agreed that Davin should become the GAA's first president and Cusack was appointed secretary. Archbishop Croke, Parnell and Michael Davitt became patrons.
Throughout 1885 and 1886, the GAA developed very quickly. New clubs were formed and games and athletic meetings were organised. Similarly to the meetings of the Land League these were attended by large crowds.The clubs were established on parochial system, but a town was allowed to have more clubs if there were enough inhabitants. First inter-parish games were organised and this laid the basis for a national competition. In these clubs the Irish had the opportunity for the first time to take part in administration, organisation and set their own rules. One of these was the ban of joining any non-GAA athletic clubs for members. Archbishop Croke opposed this and it was dropped in 1886, as the inmediate opponent, the Irish Amateur Athletic Association failed. It was formed in February, 1885 by 5 Dublin based clubs.The GAA county Committees became a major center of the people's life.
The GAA did commence as a cultural movement, but was linked to political nationalism from the very start. His patrons were all linked to the IRB; Parnell, Davitt as founder of the Land League, John O'Leary, a former Fenian and Archbishop Croke, a firm nationalist. The GAA did not hide his sympathy for nationalist politics and it had two reasons; they did not want unionists to join tried to attract the IRB's interest. In November 1886, the GAA's second convention elected a new Genereal Council. All of the members, apart from Davin, were members of the IRB. Over the next year they banned RIC members from the GAA. Another key decision was to automatically appoint every Central Council member to a member of every County Committee. These political disputes nearly undid the success of the GAA.
Davin resigned in protest in May 1887 and there was also much opposition to the IRB takeover from the Home Rulers and the Catholic Church. At the GAA's third convention 200 delegates walked out and the IRB had to agree to compromise. On the next meeting Davin was re-appointed and the IRB's influence was reduced.
Although the original idea could be defended against politics another problem weakened the GAA. Parnell's private life, and the scandal on the divorce. The Catholic Church condemned Parnell's behaviour and the Home Rule Party split as well. So did the GAA's patrons, but the GAA, controlled by the IRB came out in support of Parnell, a minority viewpoint. The GAA formed a guard of honour at Parnell's funeral in 1891. The public saw the movement as a Parnellite organisation and remained in minority during the 1890's. At the annual meeting in 1892, only six counties with 200 clubs were represented. Some coutnties did not even have any clubs. The GAA did survive, and a revival of the association began in the 1900's. The GAA now focused on sports and stayed clear of politics. By 1914 the GAA was an enormous success. In 1913, ca 35,000 spectators attended the All-Ireland final and the works on the national stadium, Croke Park began.
The success of the GAA was helped by the Gaelic League. The Gaelic League was set up on 31 July, 1893, by 7 members. Their main aim was to stop the decline of Gailge as a spoken language. Since the early 19th century due to the Great Famine, emigration, the lack of education, the media and popular attitudes less and less spoke it. There were no classes in national schools for Irish, no Irish newspapers and the official language was English only. Many tried to deal with the problem, but the League suceeded. They proposed a bi-lingual society and the development of a modern Irish literature, too. The League grew slowly, and this only changed due to the nationalist feelings during the commemoration of the 1798 Rebellion. The League failed, where the GAA could survive; in 1915 the IRB took over. Douglas Hyde resigned in protest, but the League became part of the violent nationalism.
The Gaelic League was innovative in many ways. It was the first major organisation to admit men and women as equals. One of them was Lady Augusta Gregory. Lady gregory came from a prominent, unionist background and opposed Home Rule. However, she later came ot accept it. She was interested in Irish folklore and through her wealth and influence Lady Gregory was able to patronise Yeats and others. Yeats was born to a middle class , protestant family. He became interested in Irish folklore and was drawn towards nationalism. In 1888 Yeats helped to found the Pan-Celtic Society, their aim was to promote writing solely of Irish interest. He was founder of the Abbey Theatre as well.
Even though both the GAA and the Gaelic League were founded as on-political movements, they were influenced by the IRB. Their biggest legacy was that they provided something to the people which was their own and uniquely Irish. The people by joining these movements had the opportunity to organise and administreate. These skilled men later became the Irish politicans and ministers.
[Written by Daniel Dalicsek, Sources:Movements for Political and Social Reform, 1870-1914 by Michael Doran published by FOLENS]
gaelic league,
2007. december 12., szerda

RuneScape is a Java based online MMORPG.The setting is a medieval fantasy world, with dragons, magicians, pirates and knights.The map is constantly changing, expanding as the developers add new manage a character; improving his skills such as fighting, magic, prayer, farming, fishing, wood cutting, cooking. There are over 10 Million active free accounts and about a million fee paying members.The fee depends on which country you live in, i don't know much about that as I'm a free member.
you can move the camera around your can fight against monsters or against real players, you can do the second only in the wilderness. After a tutorial you begin in Lumbridge and from here on you discover the whole continent, or the parts you are allowed to as a free member.The quests you can do and get from non player characters(NPC) vary from very long to very short and include fighting, magic, sheering sheap or cooking pie.You mive around by clicking on the trerrain and use items by clicking on them.The game s flash so you don't have to download anything to your HardDrive.
That's the game ruffly, I think you either love it ore hate it.I love it for two weeks, than have something better to do and after four months I love it again for two weeks.
P.S.:because I'm lasy and not a really experienced player there should be mistakes orpoints I did not mention so I hope on a discussion
Do try this at home
Well, what shall I say?
I'm looking forward to my Christmas exams.i'm studying.Today I took a look at the Trinity College Open Day.It is the opposite of a closed day I suppose :-D , anyway it wasn't really interesting.
I saw three fire trucks at Trinity, but it wasn't anytrhing serious.
More interesting observation I made on the world in general: a man and a woman arguing at the street, the man grabbing the women OR a women standing up in a restaurant and smashing a glass of water into the face of a man, then bursting out, and when she left everybody starts: "Did you see that?!".Now why do we assume straight away that the women are right? No offense but still, think about it. We do.
P.S.:the other post is published because I play the game again
I'm looking forward to my Christmas exams.i'm studying.Today I took a look at the Trinity College Open Day.It is the opposite of a closed day I suppose :-D , anyway it wasn't really interesting.
I saw three fire trucks at Trinity, but it wasn't anytrhing serious.
More interesting observation I made on the world in general: a man and a woman arguing at the street, the man grabbing the women OR a women standing up in a restaurant and smashing a glass of water into the face of a man, then bursting out, and when she left everybody starts: "Did you see that?!".Now why do we assume straight away that the women are right? No offense but still, think about it. We do.
P.S.:the other post is published because I play the game again
2007. december 10., hétfő
Crawdaddy is located at harcourt station, in da basement. It s a relatively small place compared to the neighbour Tripod. The easiest way to getthere is to take the LUAS (tram) from Stephen's Green and get off at the first station.
A beer costs 5E, there is no entrance fee.
The gigs are in a separate room , not too big a maximum of about 280 people I guess, although I'm not really good at guessing.
The place is not oriented in one style, I was at a ska gig, but saw electro posters as well. At this concert( The Slackers) people climbed on stage and the athmosphere was the best I've ever experienced. The security staff only ordered the people down hwen there were too many.
P.S.:verdict: I would advice it if you look for a place you'd like to spend the night but have no plan
A beer costs 5E, there is no entrance fee.
The gigs are in a separate room , not too big a maximum of about 280 people I guess, although I'm not really good at guessing.
The place is not oriented in one style, I was at a ska gig, but saw electro posters as well. At this concert( The Slackers) people climbed on stage and the athmosphere was the best I've ever experienced. The security staff only ordered the people down hwen there were too many.
P.S.:verdict: I would advice it if you look for a place you'd like to spend the night but have no plan
It was yesterday 100 days that I arrived in Ireland.How my time was til now? Interesting, new, different in many ways, lonely and often boring.I like it here.
I was on a concert on Saturday, I got the ticket from my host mum as X-mas present; The Slackers.
I t was the craziest gig I've ever been to; people on stage and jumping on the crowd, the band playing among the crowd, deadly.
There was no sailing though as the wind was strong again.
I'm listening to music all the time.
This is a part of yesterdays TopGear made in Budapest.Now I must say I'm not sure if this race really took place as I know the mountain of the Buda palace and budapest and cannot understand some parts of the whole thing.Proove me wrong but still, it is much more a good looking stunt show.
I was on a concert on Saturday, I got the ticket from my host mum as X-mas present; The Slackers.
I t was the craziest gig I've ever been to; people on stage and jumping on the crowd, the band playing among the crowd, deadly.
There was no sailing though as the wind was strong again.
I'm listening to music all the time.
This is a part of yesterdays TopGear made in Budapest.Now I must say I'm not sure if this race really took place as I know the mountain of the Buda palace and budapest and cannot understand some parts of the whole thing.Proove me wrong but still, it is much more a good looking stunt show.
2007. december 5., szerda
Hope you like it
Today nthe new budget for Ireland was published.
More important on Sunday the best surfing weather hit the western coast; 13.2 m waves.
I had two English tests today.Yesterday a S-61N of the Irish Coast Guard howered just here before the coast of Shankill.
And on Saturday I og to the Slackers concert in Crawdaddy.
On monday we had a waterpolo game; only friendly but still 30-8 with me scoring 7.
P.S.:hope you like the goldskull t-shirt
2007. december 4., kedd
The Death Of Attila
Attila, great king of the Huns returned from the walls of Rome, back to the capital of his Empire, his blood.
Wherever he passed, the Huns cheered and called his name.
The folk of the capital was especially happy. The space between the tents, where on normal days women and slaves rushed to srot out their tiny everyday problems, where the old sat or wanton children played, and learned how to use the sword and the bow while playing, now it was all free ; scavanged with besoms and covered with leafs; all the way Attila and his attendance got by to the glorious tent-palace.
This time the celebration was not only hold for the homecoming king and army, but Attila was going to marry.
Queen Réka rested in the forest of Rika at this time, her peace guarded by oaks, fountains and deers.
The arrival of the new wife was a great festivity, festivity it was the bridal either.
It was noon and the king's palace was full of folks celebrating. The floor was covered with scrumptious carpets, the wooden pillars with beautiful framework were entwined with flowers.
A mass of slaves served the food on golden and silver dishes, and placed them on golden and siver plates in front of the guests, and they filled the wine with a deep bow into the golden and silver pots.
In the middle of the gorgeous dressed crowd, a bit higher than the others, at a separate table, there sat Attila, king of the huns and his new bride. he watched the feast, which got more and more happy, with a calm and mighty face of a real emperor. This was not the only thing sign that made him different; he was dressed else than the crowd in their best clothes, he wore pure, ancestral hunnian clothes and had wooden pot and wooden plate in front of himself. He always had it like this, he did not want to make the gods angry with sumptuousness.
It was late night, when the king together with his new wife, mikolt withdrew to the inner house. And it was almost dawn, when the bridal party got quite, too.
But bitter sadness it was, when the huns woke up, Attila, the lash of God died on his weddingbed. He who did not fear any enemy on Earth, who survived so many bloody battles, of whom it was told that no weapon could harm him, he died. his blood floating from his nose it was what choked him. the young bride when realising what happened, ran out screaming from the tent, and wherever she passed, screaming and crying was in her path.
The whole nation of the huns turned into deep bereavement. The men cut their faces with knives and the women took their white clothes; the white was the colour of mourning.
Torda, the chief magician ordered the men to lead a white horse to the ground for acrafices. They need to know it from the Warlord how to bury Attila the most worthy.
when he rreturned from the forest, where the smoke of the sacrifice flew high, every eye pointed on him.
The Old Magician said:
Our Lord shall rest in peace
Under water, under earth he shall wear his fleece
In blinding sun , in pallid moonlight
And at third in the dark night
Beside him shall lie his horse
Weapons defending him from any curse
Followed by fellow servants beside
And at last his beautiful bride
Wherever he passed, the Huns cheered and called his name.
The folk of the capital was especially happy. The space between the tents, where on normal days women and slaves rushed to srot out their tiny everyday problems, where the old sat or wanton children played, and learned how to use the sword and the bow while playing, now it was all free ; scavanged with besoms and covered with leafs; all the way Attila and his attendance got by to the glorious tent-palace.
This time the celebration was not only hold for the homecoming king and army, but Attila was going to marry.
Queen Réka rested in the forest of Rika at this time, her peace guarded by oaks, fountains and deers.
The arrival of the new wife was a great festivity, festivity it was the bridal either.
It was noon and the king's palace was full of folks celebrating. The floor was covered with scrumptious carpets, the wooden pillars with beautiful framework were entwined with flowers.
A mass of slaves served the food on golden and silver dishes, and placed them on golden and siver plates in front of the guests, and they filled the wine with a deep bow into the golden and silver pots.
In the middle of the gorgeous dressed crowd, a bit higher than the others, at a separate table, there sat Attila, king of the huns and his new bride. he watched the feast, which got more and more happy, with a calm and mighty face of a real emperor. This was not the only thing sign that made him different; he was dressed else than the crowd in their best clothes, he wore pure, ancestral hunnian clothes and had wooden pot and wooden plate in front of himself. He always had it like this, he did not want to make the gods angry with sumptuousness.
It was late night, when the king together with his new wife, mikolt withdrew to the inner house. And it was almost dawn, when the bridal party got quite, too.
But bitter sadness it was, when the huns woke up, Attila, the lash of God died on his weddingbed. He who did not fear any enemy on Earth, who survived so many bloody battles, of whom it was told that no weapon could harm him, he died. his blood floating from his nose it was what choked him. the young bride when realising what happened, ran out screaming from the tent, and wherever she passed, screaming and crying was in her path.
The whole nation of the huns turned into deep bereavement. The men cut their faces with knives and the women took their white clothes; the white was the colour of mourning.
Torda, the chief magician ordered the men to lead a white horse to the ground for acrafices. They need to know it from the Warlord how to bury Attila the most worthy.
when he rreturned from the forest, where the smoke of the sacrifice flew high, every eye pointed on him.
The Old Magician said:
Our Lord shall rest in peace
Under water, under earth he shall wear his fleece
In blinding sun , in pallid moonlight
And at third in the dark night
Beside him shall lie his horse
Weapons defending him from any curse
Followed by fellow servants beside
And at last his beautiful bride
And so it happened.
Not far away from the capital of Attila flow the Tisia. One arm of it was closed down and hundred slaves digged the hole into the empty river bed. Afterwards the dead king's body was put into a fine gold coffin, they put the golden coffin into a silver one and that into an iron coffin.
Into the deep tomb the huns placed his favourite stallion, his weapons and lots of treasures.
At last with the slaves who digged the grave mikolt was laid beside Attila.
Then they let the river free again and all the returning guards who knew where he lies, they all were killed before they could talk to anybody.
More than 1500 years have passed by since. Folks came and went between the Danube and the Tisza. The legend og King Attila captured the mind of many. many searched where his tomb could lie, much more guessed the place of the treasure.
But Attila still lies on the river bed.
[Translated from Attila halála by Daniel Dalicsek on 21/09/2007-23/09/2007]
Not far away from the capital of Attila flow the Tisia. One arm of it was closed down and hundred slaves digged the hole into the empty river bed. Afterwards the dead king's body was put into a fine gold coffin, they put the golden coffin into a silver one and that into an iron coffin.
Into the deep tomb the huns placed his favourite stallion, his weapons and lots of treasures.
At last with the slaves who digged the grave mikolt was laid beside Attila.
Then they let the river free again and all the returning guards who knew where he lies, they all were killed before they could talk to anybody.
More than 1500 years have passed by since. Folks came and went between the Danube and the Tisza. The legend og King Attila captured the mind of many. many searched where his tomb could lie, much more guessed the place of the treasure.
But Attila still lies on the river bed.
[Translated from Attila halála by Daniel Dalicsek on 21/09/2007-23/09/2007]
2007. december 2., vasárnap
Saighdiúirí agus Taoisigh
Tegnap voltam Collin's Barracks-ban, itt található a National Museum of Ireland.
Két okból mentem el megnézni:
Ki van állítva a Sea Stallion nevű viking hajó amit Roskildeben(Dánia) korabeli eszközökkel épített egy lelkes csapat éveken át, hogy végül ide Írországba hajózzanak ahogy azt az őseik tették.Mikor én Roskildeben jértam ez még epülőben volt(én pedig 180cm alatt).Gyönyörű. Hatalmat, erőt és dicsőséget sugároz, mégis kecses, valóban ilyennek képzeltem egy viking hajót, és most még jobban érdekel a hadtörténelmük.
A másik ok meg egyszerűen az volt hogy megnézzem a volt katonai barakkot.Itt van az egyetlen katonai témájú kiállítás, nem úgy mint nálunk egy külön múzeum. Felketette a figyelmemet egy s más a kiállításon például hogy különböző ír ezredek hány meg hány helyen harcoltak brit lobogó alatt, nagyon érdekes, annak ellenére hogy önálló modern hadtörténelme az országnak mint olyan nincsen.Érdekesnek találtam hogy a német mintájú sisakot vezették be az első világháború után és ezt aztán a második vh alatt az angol propaganda hogyan használta ki. A múzeum mint az Nyugaton szokás elég interaktív és gazdag(a gyűjtenényből ítélve).
P.S.:ma nem volt vitorlázás mert túl nagy a szél, még a komp is leállt.
2007. december 1., szombat
Barcode is located near the Clontarf Road DART station, which is the next one right after Conolly St. You can see it straight when you get off the train.
the address is Clontarf road 3, but as far as i know it is a troubled area of the city and it is not recomennded to walk around alone, I did and didn't have any problems).
It is a bit out of the city center and this can be seen in:
no entrance fee
cheap prices:3 € a BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irish instead of tourists
The music is unfortunately mainstream:Rihanna, Britney Spears and DJ made techno...., exactly what I don't like.
There are games, the usual; car racing, motor racing......and table football.
Huge amount of TVs and projectors show Sports all the time.
nothing else to say, I better don't give a rating as I didn't like the music, but if that fits you, you should go.
the address is Clontarf road 3, but as far as i know it is a troubled area of the city and it is not recomennded to walk around alone, I did and didn't have any problems).
It is a bit out of the city center and this can be seen in:
no entrance fee
cheap prices:3 € a BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irish instead of tourists
The music is unfortunately mainstream:Rihanna, Britney Spears and DJ made techno...., exactly what I don't like.
There are games, the usual; car racing, motor racing......and table football.
Huge amount of TVs and projectors show Sports all the time.
nothing else to say, I better don't give a rating as I didn't like the music, but if that fits you, you should go.
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