2007. november 19., hétfő

Wow, at least something is happening again.

Today I had first class English, we are reading Othello at the time.I have to say I like Shakespeare.My second and third lessons are Religion with a coffee break in the middle.As usual we have a speaker; today it was Mr John Murphy, a wealthy and successsful Irish entrepeneur, I think one of the founder of Irish Life Insurance( I am not sure at this one).He had a speech on success and how we can achiebve it.There were plenty of interesting ideas; success should not be measured against others but to ourselfs: I may not be the best among everybody, but I can do my best, run my own best time, improve all the time, then I'm successful.You shouldn't work something which is not your passion, which does not brig you nearer to your goal, dream. We always have a choice, we can decide if we study or waste time and have bad results.If I decide the world is against me, it always will be, this is for 100%, but I can take the hard way and do something.

Anyway, this is the most I can remember, however, he was good.After this I had to go to the interview. Mr Murphy brought me and the teacher there( in a huge Lexus).My teacher is actually 23 years old and graduated from Marian 4 years ago.One of his former classmates is in repeating the Leaving Cert, seventh year, ad is even older than me.Now that means he teaches his older former classmate.Strange.

Ok, at the interview of the Rotary Club I met the two girls against whom I competed( I wasn't sure on this point, if we are against each other or we're all in the next round). They looked hot, but I forgot to ask for their number.Sh*t.

We all had the interviews and the lunch after it.After the lunch the meeting of the Rotary Club begun and one part was to announce the winner. At first the two girls stood up and beacause I was pretty nervous at the time I thought they two won, but it turned out, no, I DID. I WIN.I was the first student ever got to the interviews from Marian College, and won; 100E for the school, some money for myself and Rugby jerseys for the teacher and myself.Great day.I'm happy, extremely.Everybody congratulated me and it was just elevating.So I came home.Here I printed some CVs of mine and went to Dun Laoghaire and looked for a job. I gave the papers to the cinema, Burger King and pubs.Let's hope, fingerscross.

Now that's all


P.S.:a Hungarian is going to represent Ireland.

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