2008. január 31., csütörtök

Marian College Junior Rugby Team

Leinster Final
Marian College-Templeogue
10 - 10
7 - 10

I have a pretty busy time but I will force myself to post at least once in two days.

Now the important things in the last week are;

I am about to join the Naval Service Reserves, and it looks good, next week I will have every paper filled out and my trainings will begin.I'm soooooooo excited.

We came second in the Leinster Waterpolo Championship, but still qualified to the All-Ireland, and we'll win that one.

The schools junior rugby team came second in Leinster, too.

In the waterpolo finals one of the opponents somehow didn't know what fair-play means; although waterpolo is a full contact sport and you will get hurt two things he did are nasty; he bit me and he didn't cut his fingernails.We'll meet them again and he won't be smiling afterwards., neither did he this time.

The Navy was great, when I'm in and have training I will post more about it. now I catched a cold and stayed in, because tomorrow there will be an afterparty for the school musical.

2008. január 25., péntek

What do we find on Hungary in the Irish media?

herald.am, Friday 25 January 2008, page 8

[Priests plead for exemption after drink-drive crackdown

THE Catholic Church in hungary has asked the country's justice minister to exempt its priests from a new regulation which severly punishes drink-driving.
Under a "zero tolerance" rule which took effect this month, police can confiscate a driver's license on the spot if the breathalyser shows any trace of alcohol.
The Catholic Church says its priests celebrate mass daily and drinking sacramental wine is an essential part of the ceremony.
Due to a shortage of priests, many hold Masses is several villages a day.They also drive to funerals and when visiting the sick, church authorities wrote in a letter to the minister.
The church plans to issue special cards for its priests to show that they consume alcohol in the fulfilment of official duties.]

METRO Wednesday, January 23, 2008, page 2

A TEENAGE gang that made a video of themselves robbing shops that ended up on national TV were caught after a rival gang saw the programme - and told olive whre to find them. The six Hungarian teens filmed themselves committing crimes in Budapest and had passed out copies, and police found the footage. They were each given five years in prison for theft and armed robbery.]

METRO Friday, January 25, 2008, page 4

[A Hungarian pensioner escaped without a scratch after falling in front of a speeding train in the middle of the rail tracks, so the train passed harmlessly over him.Zsolt Kovacs, 85, slipped while crossing the tracks in the town of Postye. Witnesses said once the train had gone, he calmly picked himself up and walked pff. Mr Kovacs said: 'I thought my time was up when I fell over. Iheard the roar of the train and closed my eyes, waiting to get crushed, but the next thing I knew, it was quiet again and I was still alive.']

METRO Friday, January 25, 2008, page 10

[HUNGARY: A Hungarian man caught masturbating while riding his bike down a busy street has been given a three-year suspended jail sentence and a fine. A court heard how Ferenc Balog, 61, had kept one hand on the handlebar while he used his other hand to masturbate - but had lost control when he climaxed and ploughed into a shop window in the town of Dombovar. He was fined €94 and given a three-year suspended sentence for indecent exposure.]

METRO Thursday, December 13, 2007, page 3

picture of Johnny Depp[Moved to make a movie: The bank robber's story has inspired Depp

Depp Hungary to film robber's life
JOHNNY DEPP wants to make a film about a legendary Hungarian bank robber who downed a shot of whiskey at the banks as he robbed them. Depp said he wanted to produce a film about Attila Ambrus, a former ice-hockey player who robbed banks across the country. He became a legend by drinking whiskey as he robbed banks; giving flowers to female bank clerks as he asked them to hand over the cash - and by spectacularly evading the police, in one case even jumping into the river Danube to flee from them. Ambrus is currently serving 15years in jail but Depp said he had recently read Ambrus's memoires and wanted to use them as basis for his film.]

2008. január 22., kedd

Hol is kezdjem?
Beadtam a jelentkezesem az angol egyetemekre, mar megkaptam a visszaigazolast hogy elfogadtak es meg meglatjuk mi lesz. Beadtam a jelentkezesem a Trinity College Dublin-ra is, ott kesobb varhato a visszajelzes.Vasarnap volt vitorlazas es hogy-hogy nem, de rajt-cel gyozelmet arattam.Magnoval voltam es sikerult harom Vago-t, egy 18as Skud-ot, egy Magno-t es ket 420ast magam moge utasitani. Kepzelhetitek hogy orultem, pedig nem is volt olyan rossz a mezony.
Bejelentkeztem a musical-re technikusnak, az is legalabb elfoglaltsag es lesz afterparty is persze.
Ma elmentunk egy rovidke kis kirandulasra a ket uj nemet sraccal.Felsetaltunk a Witches' Hat-re.Ok ketten legalabb hasonloan aktivak es szeretnek megismerni Dublin-t es kornyeket. Valoszinuleg majd egyutt megyunk el Howth-ra is.
Ma este megyek egy vizilabda klubba, csak hogy megnezzem milyen.
Tudom irhatnek reszletesebben, de mar igy is sokat ulok a gep elott; msnezek egy lannyal.
Most roviden ennyi lenne, majd a heten meg irok egy hoszabbat, leirom az utvonaat Killiney Hill-re is.
P.S.:ma nincsen suli
P.S.2:a Karib tenger kalozai:A vilag vegen-t neztuk meg penteken, hat szornyu volt es meg Jack Sparrow illetve Jack apjanak a karaktere sem mentette meg

2008. január 17., csütörtök

Wieder ene woche

Also diese Woche ist nichts besonderes passiert, ich hab meine Ergebnisse zuruckgekriegt:
Mathe:45%, D2
Englisch:58%, C3
Business:45%, D2
Geschichte:83%, B1
Das heisst ich brauchte noch 105 Punkte beim Irish Leaving Certificate in Juni.Sonst war ich mal joggen und hab auch dieses kleine Video mal gemacht.
P.S.:DART zwischen Shankill und Killiney in Richtung Shankill
P.S.2:I spotted this in our schoolbook; "Poetry Now Leaving Certificate English Poetry Higher Level 2008" by Niall MacMonagle."The African American poet Rita Dove uses the myth in her book Mother Love(1995)"[page 32]
Now may I ask, why is it important that Rita Dove is African American?I know it is a major part of her identity and biography, but why in this context?There is no other Rita Dove.So why don't we just always say the White poet Eavan Boland?The White poet Nicholas Lemann?I'm not saying this was racist , but interesting and brought me to a bit of thinking.

Othello at UCD

Today we saw the play Othello by William Shakespeare at Univerity College Dublin. The audience consisted in 90% of school groups.
The play was horrible. Othello was played by a foreign student and because of his accent one could hardly understand what he was saying.After a short time by every third word he said the audience laughed. The young actor playing Cassio was the other critical point; he wasn't secure and made couple of mistakes in his text.
All in al if I wasn't there with the school I would have left after 15 minutes.

2008. január 14., hétfő

Ujra itthon

Nos ebben a ket helyen lakasban van egy kis problema; nme tudod mindkettot otthonnak hivjad vagy Dublin es Budapest.
Penteken felkeltem egy egeszen emberi idoben, 9 ora, es aztan bementem 13:30ra az iskolaba. Ket ropke tanora utan vizilabdaedzes es jottem haza.Meg elotte megbeszeltuk h elmegyunk este, a korabban mar emlitett redZ-be mert ott olcso a pia.Onnan 2re ertem haza, nem ittam sokat, azt mar megtettem Budapesten, gondolom pont veletek akik olvassatok a blogom.Talalkoztam az osztalytarsakkal, szocialis elet nagyon fontos.Szombaton itthon voltam es magamra nem valloan orakig az msnen beszeltem valakivel.Lementem meg egyet futni a partra.Vegul egy kozeli ejfeli lefekves utan, jott a vasarnap.
Az idojarast elozo nap megneztem a windguru-n, es otos kozeli de gyengulo szelet mutatott.Akkor estere is ototset mutatott de annal rosszabbnak latszott.Vegul reggel 8-9 kozt igazan viharos ido volt, de amikor megjottem a kikotobe szinte szelcsend.Vegul az egyik legjobb vitorlasido kerekedett es egy kellemes 3asban folyt le a verseny.Sajnos a regi 420assal voltam es spinakker nelkul az elso raum szakaszon a harmadikrol a hatodik helyre csusztam, harom Laser Vago es ket masik 420as moge.Ok elhuztak de biztosan megmaradt a tavolsag koztunk es a ket Laser Magnok kozt, ez jo eredmeny volt.Megintcsak lattam ket fokat.
Ma iskola, erettsegivel foglalkozas, es most itthon tanulas.
P.S.:mindenkinek koszonom akivel otthon bulizni voltam es jol ereztuk magunk.

2008. január 11., péntek


Hi Folks!
I'm back and will post again and discover more and more of the Dubliner and Irish life
P.S.:and be less bored