2007. október 31., szerda


Mindenkitől bocsánat hisz nem írtam 6 teljes napig.Miért?Lusta voltam, volt hála az égnek dolgom és hazajöttem.

Még kint nem volt érdekesebb történés, szombat hajnalban hazarepültem.

Itthon a salád fogadott megünepeltük apukám szülinapját, kellemes családi hétvége.Vasárnap este megnéztem a legjobb barátom szalagavató próbáját és dumáltnk egyet.

Hétfőn orvosi bizonyítékát kaptam annak hogy az alkohol leviszi a vércukorszintet: blokkolja ugyanis a májnak azon funkcióját hogy cukrot lökjön a vérbe.Yessssssss.

Mentem iskolába ahol mindenki nagyon örült nekem, ami jól esett.nagyon, szeretem a jófejbéslányokat.És az osztályomra is örömmel tekintek vissza.A nap folyamán még elmentem az OMbe meg az MNBbe, ezaz.

Este Caveman, talán kedvenc színházi darabom. Itt megismertem a legjobb barátom barátnőjét, nos kedves szép és aranyos, tudom irigyelni a mázlistát.Ma láttam a mozgólépcsőn de messzeföldönhíres rossz arc és névmemóriám bizonyított; nem voltam biztos benne ő lenne az, csak mosolyogtam és megjegyeztrem magamban milyenjó nő.

A teganpi nap fontos történése volt hogy találkoztam a portugál barátommal és magyar barátnőjével, ki nekem nagyon jó barátom.A barátom nem tudta hogy én is Budapesten vagyok, nagyon jó volt.Este vízilabda edzés, utána West Balkán.Ma város egy kis suli és most megyek lőni aztán pedig éjszaka raszta party.Érdekesség hogy a vendéglátó anyukám zenéjét hallgatom; Arcade Fire, meg sok más heavy metal, rock.Ma megvettem az Omega 1968-as CD-jét; angol nyelvű és remek, tényleg tetszik.


P.S.:the picture is of my school

2007. október 25., csütörtök


Monday:Basketballgame at Trinity College Dublin, we lost.Mostly I think because of our selfish "star" player not passing but sometimes even shooting from a 180 turn flying sidewards. I scored some and made a great block, may not be my best performance but I and the trainer were satisfied with my defense.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: nothing special except for my dad's 50th birthday.We had an inspector at the school and she was very impressed with me, my english teacher told me. My grades are getting better: 68 adn 70% in english tests and A1 and A2 in History.Next week is Mid-term break and I fly back to Hungary.I really feel like it would be Friday.
P.S.:On the picture you can see how park and ride works here; I guess far more than 150 cars if not 200 stop at Shankill DART station and take it into the city every day.That means it is common aim that the train is clean and safe.The only problem is why it has to be so expensive. The normal way would be to make parking and road tolls expensive but public transport cheaper.however, it works.Oh yes, and it is not only Shankill but many oters as well

2007. október 20., szombat

redZ review

redZ ist ein Club/Disco auBerhalb von Templebar.Es ist auf dem O'Connor Street genau an der Bruecke uebers Liffey.entrittsgebuehr ist 10 E was hier absolut normal ist, ein Bier ist zwischen 4-5E, auch normal. Die Decke im Untergeschoss ist ca 2m 20 mach aber einen geilen Eindruck. Musik ist mainstream; Kanye West, the Fratellis, Madonna...
Wie die meisten Bars und Club hier war dieser auch voll. Es ist wirklich davon abhängig was fuer Musik man magt.
P.S.;man soll nur fuer tanzen und so hingehen, Konzerte gibt es nicht

heavy night, it was a heavy night

Also es ist nichts passiert das mich daran gehindert hätte zu posten.Da es aber nichts passiert ist war nichts zu posten.
Gestern aber!!
20:16 losgehen, nach sms und telefon Gesprächen war mein erstes Ziel Dun Laoghaire Soutern Pier. Mein deutscher Kumpel berichtete von 15 Leuten, ich habe mir was zum trinken gekauft und noch vier Mädels invitiert.Die sagten nein. An unserem Platz waren dann die Leute auch da.Hanging out, down the street, the same odd day, as we did last week. Nach einer halben Stunde (ow es schon offensichtlich war, dass das spanische Madchen das mir gefiel mein Kumpel gerne hatte) war ich ein bisschen gelangweilt. Ich hatte eine Einladung zum Geburtstagsfeier von einem Siebtklassler. DART nach Pearse mund weil er nur eine Stunde später in die Stadt konnte los ins Temple Bar. Ein pint Guiness im pub, rumlaufen.Ich sah Polizisten auf Pferden, die aber enorm groB waren und ein Maybach. Die Tuersteher hier sind in vielen Faellen Schwarze und ein Kopf groesser als ich, zweimal so breit und tragen brille. Sie sind sehr hilfsbereit und kriegen ihr Kaffe oder meistens asiatsches Essen bei zur Tuer gebracht.Dann irgendwannmal treffen am eingang von Trinity College. Die anderen waren im club alle raus und rueber zum anderen wo aber Eintritt nur ueber 21 erstattet war. Die Madchen in der Grupe sahen sehr gut aus.Zurueck und dann bis 2:00 tanzen, Madels anmachen und bisschen trinken.
Nachtbus habe ich locker gefunden in meinem Fall ist es das 7N von Trinity College.Es kostete mir 4E bis nach Shankill, mit dem Taxi wäre es um 25 gewesen. die Busse sind sauber und schnell und schoen. Die fahren jede Stunde glaub ich. Um halb 3 war ich Zuhause.
P.S.:und heute habe ich erfahren dass mein deutscher Freund mit der Spanierin rumgeknutscht hat, aber jetzt am morgen Schluss gemacht.

2007. október 14., vasárnap

Laser Vago review

I have tried the Laser Vago for the first time in a 2-3 Beaufort from West-South-West at Dun Laoghaire (Kingston) harbour, Ireland. I was together with a pretty much unexperienced woman, but had a great time. I'm 190 cm and about 78 kg. I did not have a trapez vest but had no problems.
The different strings and sheets can cause a huge mess in the front, but with enough experience in te boat (10-15 hours I guess, but we'll see later) it is no problem. I had enough space as crew and the gip is easy to handle. The spinakker is beautiful and I had no problem although have a lack of experience with spinakkers and blisters and whatsoever. First we forgot to roll up the gip but later we did and it means a lot. I advice everybody to train the movement of roll up the gip, pull up the spinakker and roll it down and pull out the gip. And in this order, important.
Later I got into the place of the skipper and had great fun. The acceleration, handling, top speed are all very well gauged. I sometimes had problems when tacking, because the rudder was stopped by the main sheet, just pay attention and everything will be fine.
If you are not interested in racing then better forget about the Vago, but if you are and you like to trim and play around with the little gadgets on the boat then you'll enjoy every moment.
I sailed the number 815.

Sail Areas

Laser Vago XD Mainsail
Laser Vago XD Gennaker

Laser Vago Mainsail
Laser Vago Gennaker


Line Drawing
Mast Length
Boom Length

It was a heavy night

Saturday was a nice day, but let's begin with my Friday night.Dun Laoghaire, harbour, pier, drinks. Nice time. I met different students like a boy from Mexico, born in Texas and speaking a totally different spanish than the others. We had somebody from Brazil, two french girls and spanish girls from Mallorca. It was pratty international. On Saturday sailing was announced. And it happened. I sailed a Laser Vago.I had a great time, especially when I was the skipper, because then the ship showed how amazing his handling and speed is.Afterwards we went to the nearby pub called the purty kitchen.It is one of Dublin's oldest pubs and has both food and drinks.The prices are normal; beer is 4E. You can order at the pult or at one of the waitresses. Although I advice to only order at the table as they forgot about one of my meals but the crab claws were good. It is a big pub, has music and dancefloor upstairs. There is a Purty Kitchen in Temple Bar as well, the former Bad Bob's, I think.I hoped to go out with the spanish to Temple Bar but couldn't reach one of them and the other one does not really speak english and later he didn't take the calls either.I stayed and watched A beautiful mind.danaP.S.:http://www.purtykitchen.com/P.S.2:i have my bloc party kitchen

A beautiful mind

I have heard about the movie many times and seen parts of it sometimes.
It is better not to know the plot of the movie before you see it. So if you have not seen it yet, STOP READING.
The interesting point is how they play with the situation of the viewer. We see the world as John Nash does and do not recognize his illness until he does. It is a bit shocking how this man was destroyed. The movie not only deals with hsi mind, but with the methods of the government and the mental hospitals of the time. I'm sure the visit of the old friend was there to show how stigmatic such a situation can be, and that many people, believed to be friends, turn away.
After he became aware of his illness and dealt with the situation. Not only by relying on the doctors and medicines but ignoring the illusions. He sure has a strong mind as he does not take the medicines when he does not fell like it.
P.S.:Ok, I know it is not a good review, but it is my first one.

2007. október 12., péntek

What happens in Cork, stays in Cork

I should summarize two days now and as my Friday wasn't too interesting yet I just go backwards.
Today practically the only point worth mentioning was that I can do Hungarian as foreign language in the Leaving Certificate.Yessss, another 100 points and 5 free classes in the week, because that means I can drop Geography.
Yesterday we had the basketball game.I got up 5:20 to catch the 6:00 DART, which as I, and 5 other people from the team found out does not exist. I had the information from one of the neighbours. When we got to Heuston train station, late, we saw that the train to Cork leaves at 9:00.some have been there on time and spotted it.Then the trainer arrived at 7:53 and told us that there is another train at 8:00.actually there is a train every hour. So we got on the train and headed out for victory. The trip was great fun, one of the guys (from Zimbabwe) never saw a cow before, though we can not decide if he was kidding or he really never saw one.
In Cork we palyed and lost. Losers excuses, but i have to say; most of the team did not do what the trainer told them and one guy made a one-man-show (24points).He is a great player having a scholarship to the US and the UK and Spain, but selfish.I told him once during the game: slo w down, as I was behind him and totally free and he was like Shut up and get out of the way.After a while I did not do anything else than taking rebounds, but I did my job well.Unfortunately I only scored about 2 or 4. So they won with an organised offense not like our one, without passes. It was the All Ireland Cup for as, because it is a Knock Out system. We actually had brand new gear, we opened it from the bags before the game.Looks great.Next stop: Dublin League. W e missed our train at 14:30 because our coach was late, and the remaining hour we spent in Cork, went to some kind of leisure center, games and stuff. We catched the train at 15:30 and came home at 6 or something. We had the weirdest conversation ever: In some 5 minutes from the statement "I don't go to the first three classes tomorrow." we got to te issue how people use the toilet in space and especially mutant people.Crazy. One of the captains is a magician and he entertained us, too. On the corner of my street some lads were sitting and one of them throw a banger to my feet. I heard the the girl saying, that's unnecessary and saw it rolling.Afterwards I turned arouned and they ran away.They were six guys of my age.Nobodies.
That's it.
P.S.:What's made in Cork stays in Cork.

2007. október 10., szerda


I watched out of the window and saw a police car on our driveway.I went down to make me sandwiches and imagine who I met in the livingroom; a Garda (police) officer and a trainee.I was pretty surprised, but they were leaving so when I came up to fetch my camera they left. My host mum had a car accident in June that's why they visited.hope they come another time.

short day

I hope you like my essay.today we had a short day and tomorrow the basketball team heads out to Cork.I began to ask my classmates what they know about Hungary.The most common answer is nothing.I will post the results in bout two weeks.
P.S.:juhu, another picture

2007. október 9., kedd


I woke up, but late. The floor was cold, I took my wife's scuffs, went down, turned on the coffee machine and begun to make breakfast for the kids.My wife woke them up and when they got down the bread was ready. I drunk my coffee and dressed up, drove them to the school and headed out to my Manhattan office.I picked up some Double Super Size Quarter Pounder Big Mac with Cheese and another coffee. I was listening to some radio station while sitting in the traffic jam.
I got in at about half an hour ago and travelled up to my 82nd floor office.I tried to sneak in that my boss does not see me, but he waited in my office, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT; IN MY OFFICE!!!. so while he was jelling a me I imagined him being an alien and did not hear anything alse than grubhanghrrrhubanghsshtruff.And than; BANG and everybody begu to cry and shout and I ran to the window, making my boss just getting angrier. He obviously did not hear that sound as he is a bit deaf. Stnading at the window I looked down and saw absolutely nothing special. I recognized everybody ran to the other side and there was something unordinary. Flames and smoke were bursting out fro the other tower. An airplane crashed into it, I took pictures with my cellphone; hoped they're gonna look cool on Youtube.
At this point i went to the toilet because of the coffees and phoned to different people afterwards, just like veryone else, asking the silly question; "did you see it?".Of course they did. It was very much more excitement than fear.
Now this changed when the next airplane hit our tower. I tried to call my wife and when finally reaching her I told her that the plane hit under us and ther's no escape and I love her.
At this point came The Idea. I started running up the stairs and met people runnning downstairs.
By reaching the top and standing on the highest skyscraper of the world I did not see anything ecept for black smoke.took a deep breath, cough and jumped.
And here I am, a meter over the ground after 9 seconds of falling and the first and last triple salto of my life, thinking all this, at the age of 37, seeing the other tower falling on me and cursing those who did this. I really hope the paradise and the 40 virgins looks as good as the imem told me.
Well lads, yu know the stickers on the cars:

shit happens


Let'sbegin with my life and then get over to the tipps.
Normal day.English test is 58 % the best in class 76%.I found a Takeaway near to the school.After schoool I've been to the city, just took a look.My classmates are I think more annoted by my wuestions then understanding.I think they found it interesting what I ask, because it is normal to them but new to me.they are together since 6 years and I'm the freshman, everybody is an individual, not like at younger age.I'll keep trying to find out about partys and so on.
What can you eat in Dublin?
most of the pubs have meals, but they are expensive, yet tey often have great steak.Tesco provides 26% of food for Irish households and there you can by warm chicken stuff, too; i like the spicy chicken wings and drumsticks: big bag 1,95E.The most of the takeaways have Doner Kebab, but the price is higher ten in Germany: I experienced 5,10-7,80.
the car traffic is terrible in the city, mostly in the morning and in the afternoon.the DART is full at these times, too.
I found a hostel in the center: Paddy's Palace Dublin: it is really in town and they are nice people.It's nothing as far as I just went in to take a map and chatted a bit, but still sth.
For surfers: Killiney beach is the only spot in the bay.And for everybody, the ride to Killiney and back is beautiful doesn't take more than 40 minutes from the town, you saw the video.
P.S.:On the weekend I'll write about nightlife and how a rugby game looks like in a real pub.

2007. október 8., hétfő

Weitere Tipps und ein bisschen aus meinem Montag

Also Aufstehen, Schule, Basketball, Wasserball, Hause.Telefon mit Mutti.
Tipp: Nachtbus kostet ca.2 E, und Bus kostet sowieso viel weniger.
Mit dem Auto muss man fuer viele StraBen Gebuehr bezahlen.
Beim DART nicht vergessen: nicht nur die Autos fahren auf der anderen Seite, die Zuege auch.
Was ich im weiterhin noch im Blog zeigen werde werden meine Zeichnungen.
In Gaelic heiBt Guten Tag: diu git!(man sprichts so aus).
Wenn man mit dem Flugzeug ankommt gibt es ein Airport Bus fuer 12, 00E hin und zurueck.es hat einen festen Fahrplan ist aber schneller als normale Buslinien.
Was stoerend ist, ist das bei den Bushaltestellen nicht angezeigt ist, welche nummer und welche Station und welche Richtung.
Soviel bis jetzt.
P.S.:meine eigene Essays kommen auch noch

2007. október 7., vasárnap


Wenn jemand nach Irland kommt sind hier einnge Sachen die vielleicht wichtig sein kennen:
Das Land ist teuer.Ein pint Bier kostet 4E aber Platze wo es 6 E kostet sind auch leicht zu finden.Das Monatsticket fuer das DART fuer Studente ist 63 E.
Die Steckdosen sind anders!!Ein Adapter kostet 5 E, also es ist nicht die Ende der Welt, aber besser aufpassen.
Alkohol wird unter 18 Jahren, manchmal unter 21 Jahren nicht verkauft und das wird auch eingehalten.
Letzte DART aus der Stadt fährt ab um 23:20, Richtung Bray. Auf dem DART ist es normal auf dem Boden zu sitzen.
Man wuerde glauben als ein reiches Land ist es auch sauber.Nein.Und die Werbekampagne läuft ueberall "If you behave like a piece of filth that's how the world sees you."
There are two main free newspapers Metro and Herald am.It doesn'tcost anything to smile and say Good morning! to those people staying there and hand the papers.
To watch the Rogby game or better the GAA go to the local pub.There is no point going to Temple Bar or whereever.every pub has a plasma screen or even projector.And the atmosphere.
If you want to party, Ireland is ot your place.You can go to Dublin centre, but the night bus or taxi will cost..................ScheiBe ich hab in Deutsh angefangen, ich hab's wirklich nicht gemerkt.
Also Taxi und so wird sehr teuer.Eintritt ist meistens 10-15E und eine Koncertkarte ist um 33,65-36,65.
Es lohnt sich einfach spazieren zu gehen, die Städte , Strände sind schoen.
P.S.:Fortsetzung folgt

a weekend in hell

It can't be real.It's 14:54 and I'm back from "sailing" as there was not enough wind.But let us stick to the timeline.
Yesterday I me with the Spanish in Dun Laoghaire at 10pm.Tere are a lot of Spanish here in Kiliney and Dun Laoghaire, about 10 seniors(4-5th year in school).The funny intermezzo was tat when I arrived the Spanish girl staying together with the Hungarian girl left.Obviously because I asked her out on a date and she said no and then we can't even meet?LoL.This is exactly what I did, laughing.Afterwards we waited for the bus to go over to Killiney.When the bus arrived I realised I do not have coins with me and there is no change o the bus, so two Spanish from my school and a girl stayed anyway, and so did I to try to get some change.At the end we did not follow the group but stayed in DL and drank a beer.Icame home by the last DART.
Today I woke up at ten and went to sailing.I saw there is no wind but I went.We were about 7-8 people, met realisede there is no point, mounted and dismounted the boats to gain some experience and over.
P.S.:yesterday I reached the 14 visitors.I'm so happpyyyyy

2007. október 6., szombat


The yesterday evening did not go very well. The musical ended late and because of that the afterparty propably only began between 23:30 and midnight so the german fella and me returned to Shankill at 23:30.Met some drunken girls and some very nice one on the DART, tou know it is always interesting to travel on the late night bus or train or whatsoever.
This night I'm hopefully going out with the spanish couple.
I was at Whiterock and Killiney today, just to take a look at it.Gorgeous.
P.S.:Who visited from Canada?

2007. október 5., péntek


Today I woke up and went to school, never been late yet.Yesterday was the parent teacher meeting and obviously no one from me went.The teachers told me what they would have said to my parents and it is pretty impressive.The geography teacher said he thinks I am capable of more than the 54% and I was happy.And it just got better as the history teacher told me I would get A1.Later i had two free classes and did not have to hand in my English essay, so I've borrowed the one of one of my classmates and took ideas.It looks easy now.The waterpolo training was OK.
right now I'm looking forward to go to the afterparty of the musical the Hungarian girl's school presented.Or I go to the city with the german guys and party tere.Sailing will be on Sunday.
So far so good
P.S.:No picture today

2007. október 4., csütörtök


Yesterday nothing special happened, pretty normal day.The important and very positive affair was the announcement of the basketball coach; we go to Cork next Thursday to play our first game in the All-Ireland-Cup.On the way back I got off the DART and spent some time in Dun Laoghaire and had heavy raining.We did neither get back our English nor our Geography test yesterday.
But we did today, at least the geogrpahy one. As I said I didn't have enough time and as a cause of that I got 54% but for the questions I did I got almost the maximum points. The geography teacher thinks I'm doing well and is satisfied with my accomplishment.
Today school finished earlier due to the parent-teacher meeting.
Today is the birthday of a boy from class but he doesn't have a party (or they just didn't tell me, which propably is not the case), he just goes to a concert with friends and paintballing, but not everybody goes from the class as well because they just didn't reserve for enough people.
Tomorrow I'll go to the city or any other party.
P.S.:Ich habe einen BlogCounter eingestellt, bin gespannt.Danke fuer ulaya fuer die Hilfe
P.S.2:das Bild wird noch verbessert, am meisten die Fabre die ich auf Gold verändern moechte

2007. október 2., kedd

we are social animals

Hallo Leute!
Also nach dem schrecklichen Samstag kam ein Sonntag wo nichts anderes abging als das rugbyspiel Irland gegen Argentinien.War ziemlich spannend aber wie erwartet hat Irland verloren.Ich habe das Spiel mit einem der deutschen Jungs im Pub (Brady's) angeschaut.
Soviel dazu.
Am montag dachte ich, ich wäre spät dran am Morgen, es ging aber flott.Bis jetzt war ich keinesmals zuspät, was bei mir komisch ist.Hier wenn man sich verspätet muss man zum Principal gehen und man kriegt ein Stempel mit Rot wo LATE und Datum draufstät.Und das ist ab verspätung mit einer Minute so.Du wirst einfach nicht reingelassen ins Klassenraum falls du zuspät bist und kein Stempel oder Entschuldigung hast.
Also ich kam gluecklich an und hatte die erten vier Stunden im Raum Nr. 14 (Englisch-Religion-Religion-Englisch).Ich hatte Basketball Training im Mittagspause und der von mir nicht geliebte Erdkunde Lehrer kuendete ein Arbeit fuer heute an.
Nach der Schule hatte ich Wasserball Training und es kam raus das der Bruder von einem der Jungs skimboardet und kennt surfers.Freut mich.
Heute bin ich um 7:33 aufgestanden bin aber doch puenktlich angekommen.Wir haben das Erdkunde Test geschrieben aber ich hatte keine Zeit es zu beenden.Wir haben dann später ein Ueberraschungstest in Englisch geschrieben, hatte wieder keine Zeit.
Soviel bis jetzt.

P.S.:das Titel stammt von meinem Business Lehrer