2007. október 12., péntek

What happens in Cork, stays in Cork

I should summarize two days now and as my Friday wasn't too interesting yet I just go backwards.
Today practically the only point worth mentioning was that I can do Hungarian as foreign language in the Leaving Certificate.Yessss, another 100 points and 5 free classes in the week, because that means I can drop Geography.
Yesterday we had the basketball game.I got up 5:20 to catch the 6:00 DART, which as I, and 5 other people from the team found out does not exist. I had the information from one of the neighbours. When we got to Heuston train station, late, we saw that the train to Cork leaves at 9:00.some have been there on time and spotted it.Then the trainer arrived at 7:53 and told us that there is another train at 8:00.actually there is a train every hour. So we got on the train and headed out for victory. The trip was great fun, one of the guys (from Zimbabwe) never saw a cow before, though we can not decide if he was kidding or he really never saw one.
In Cork we palyed and lost. Losers excuses, but i have to say; most of the team did not do what the trainer told them and one guy made a one-man-show (24points).He is a great player having a scholarship to the US and the UK and Spain, but selfish.I told him once during the game: slo w down, as I was behind him and totally free and he was like Shut up and get out of the way.After a while I did not do anything else than taking rebounds, but I did my job well.Unfortunately I only scored about 2 or 4. So they won with an organised offense not like our one, without passes. It was the All Ireland Cup for as, because it is a Knock Out system. We actually had brand new gear, we opened it from the bags before the game.Looks great.Next stop: Dublin League. W e missed our train at 14:30 because our coach was late, and the remaining hour we spent in Cork, went to some kind of leisure center, games and stuff. We catched the train at 15:30 and came home at 6 or something. We had the weirdest conversation ever: In some 5 minutes from the statement "I don't go to the first three classes tomorrow." we got to te issue how people use the toilet in space and especially mutant people.Crazy. One of the captains is a magician and he entertained us, too. On the corner of my street some lads were sitting and one of them throw a banger to my feet. I heard the the girl saying, that's unnecessary and saw it rolling.Afterwards I turned arouned and they ran away.They were six guys of my age.Nobodies.
That's it.
P.S.:What's made in Cork stays in Cork.

2 megjegyzés:

lara írta...

mein beileid fuer eure niederlage und fuer so eingebildete teammitglieder. aber is sau cool, dass du so rum kommst und ihr werdet sicher auch wieder siegen ;)
was bitte schoen ist ein banger? didn't get the point from that story...
greetz, Lara

Brauel in Ulaya írta...

The guy from Zimbabwe was either kidding or a kid from the upper class (socially speaking).
I was on research in Zimbabwe in 1995 and then the country was still proud to be famous for the huge cattle farms south of Harare. When I went in a rented car to the south you could see for hours the fences and the grazing grounds.
Alas, the crazy dictator Bob Mugabe changed so many to the worse in things in the last ten years that may be today there are no cows left.
Regarding upper class: You can find these people in Europe too. Kids from urban area without real knowledge about the production of food formally knows as agriculture and farming. I met "strange" people like this in urban areas in Accra, Dar es Salaam and Nairobi. They had never left the city. 8-)