Yesterday nothing special happened, pretty normal day.The important and very positive affair was the announcement of the basketball coach; we go to Cork next Thursday to play our first game in the All-Ireland-Cup.On the way back I got off the DART and spent some time in Dun Laoghaire and had heavy raining.We did neither get back our English nor our Geography test yesterday.
But we did today, at least the geogrpahy one. As I said I didn't have enough time and as a cause of that I got 54% but for the questions I did I got almost the maximum points. The geography teacher thinks I'm doing well and is satisfied with my accomplishment.
Today school finished earlier due to the parent-teacher meeting.
Today is the birthday of a boy from class but he doesn't have a party (or they just didn't tell me, which propably is not the case), he just goes to a concert with friends and paintballing, but not everybody goes from the class as well because they just didn't reserve for enough people.
Tomorrow I'll go to the city or any other party.
P.S.:Ich habe einen BlogCounter eingestellt, bin gespannt.Danke fuer ulaya fuer die Hilfe
P.S.2:das Bild wird noch verbessert, am meisten die Fabre die ich auf Gold verändern moechte
5 megjegyzés:
Nr. 8 hat gelesen!
hi öcsém,
adj hozzá hármat, mert drága, édes szüleid is olvassák (csak a németeket nem értik, de azért olvassák), meg a bátyád is.
csak éppen keveset kommentelünk, de checkolj ímélt, ma ment tőlem három is.
Heute hatte ich schon 5 Besucher, Ziel ist 10 täglich.Muss noch ein bisschen Werbung machen.
P.S.:und mich selber irgendwie deaktivieren
Hey Dana.
Hab grad deine Blogs mir mal in Ruhe durchgelesen.
Wie schaffst du es bitte so viel zu machen also in einer Woche...
Ich geh nur 3 mal die woche zum taining und bin voll gestresst...:)
egal auf jedenfall viele Gruesse aus Paris
Ahh du bist es aus Frankreich
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