I'm moving out.I know I did not post recently; was sitting on me arse studying.I only have German Leaving Certificate left tomorrow.I'm moving to another host family today and leave for Bundoran, surfing on Saturday morning. There's been a lot going on lately, sailing, exams, birthday, i'll try to post, but maybe from Bundaoran.
P.S.:Have less than a month left in Eire
2008. június 12., csütörtök
2008. május 30., péntek
Der Vertrag von Lissabon
Ich hab' keine Ahnung wie viel in Deutschland oder in Ungarn ueber den Vertrag debattiert wurde; hier jedenfalls gibt es riesen Kampagne, sowohl fuer als auch dagegen. Es sind nur 13 Tage uebrig und als Ire wuesst' ich nicht was zu machen. Ich hab' eine Unmenge von Plakate um mich, am Anfang nur "NO" zur Zeit eher "YES" und kriege flyers von verschiedenen Leuten.Wenn es "YES" ist dann in den meisten Fällen Mitglieder von Partei-en; Labour, Fianna Fail, Fine Gael. Die "NO" verteilen sind komische Leute; einer sogar in Dart vader Maske; kein Courage sein Gesicht zu zeigen. Ich wuerde mein Gesicht auch nicht zeigen wenn mein Flyer Sätze enthalten wuerde wie;
"The treaty establishes a New EU makin Ireland act as a province"
"The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights means your rights will be defined, changed or taken away by the European Court of Justice, you will not have natural free human rights or rights guaranteed by the Irish Constitution."
Ich weiss ich koennte en super dokumentation machen , bin aber zu beschäftigt.
Jeder soll fuer sich entscheiden;
P.S.:vielleicht kommt noch mehr
Gestern war ich wieder segeln; und ich hab' sogar mit dem Boot eingeparkt, fuehlt sich cool an, dass ich das auch kann.Wiederum geiles Wetter; Sonnenschein und schoen Wind, wir haben um 7 Knoten erreicht.
P.S.:SonntagSonntagSonntag :-D
2008. május 28., szerda
Sigma sailing
I was sailing on the sigma today.It looked bad at the beginning, but it turned into one of the best sailings ever.Nice 3-3,5 wind and the boat made around 7 knots, great keeling, fun from the tippytoes to the head.Brilliant handling, nice turning, not too comfortable though; very little space for the captain. If anybody wants a boat for racing and still take out the family for a ride; Sigma 33.
P.S.:that iz meeee
dun laoghaire,
2008. május 27., kedd
Interesting life
Hi everyone!
A lot of things happened last week.
We finished school on Monday since then we study at home and only go to school, in casual clothes, to attend block-classes.They are 1-1,5 hour classes revising the year.Useful.
On Monday we had our group photo taken, and afterwards we went to a nearby Park to drink.Naturally Garda rolled by, someone called them. Illegally they made us empty unopened bottles of non-alcoholic drinks and behaved rude, but well; they are the police.
On Thursday we had our Graduation ceremony; Mass and Pricegiving.I won the Waterpolo Trainers Award.
On Friday we had our debs(=prom night).It turned out to be my worst night ever; my girlfriend dumped me at the beginning, and my shades were stolen.THe first point will be a good story to tell.
I quit my job on Sunday, it was a pleasure to work there. Eventually theyt made me feel happy on Saturday, joking around and blaming the girl.I like them people.
Yep, that's it.
P.S.:advice; for dandruff the best solution is Pantene; it is hugely effective after two days.Fructis is crap though.
A lot of things happened last week.
We finished school on Monday since then we study at home and only go to school, in casual clothes, to attend block-classes.They are 1-1,5 hour classes revising the year.Useful.
On Monday we had our group photo taken, and afterwards we went to a nearby Park to drink.Naturally Garda rolled by, someone called them. Illegally they made us empty unopened bottles of non-alcoholic drinks and behaved rude, but well; they are the police.
On Thursday we had our Graduation ceremony; Mass and Pricegiving.I won the Waterpolo Trainers Award.
On Friday we had our debs(=prom night).It turned out to be my worst night ever; my girlfriend dumped me at the beginning, and my shades were stolen.THe first point will be a good story to tell.
I quit my job on Sunday, it was a pleasure to work there. Eventually theyt made me feel happy on Saturday, joking around and blaming the girl.I like them people.
Yep, that's it.
P.S.:advice; for dandruff the best solution is Pantene; it is hugely effective after two days.Fructis is crap though.
2008. május 17., szombat
Blackrock Flee Market
I was at Blackrock today. I wanted to take a look at the market.I read about it in a tourist magazine, but in an antique shop i was told that its kinda small and my host-mum didn't encourage me neither.They were absolutely right. I almost misssed it and thought there is literally nothing, but pay attention;
You get off the DART station, walk up the village and it is in an inner yard.
I'd advise you to go there maybe to buy something special for souvenir rather than the stuff in Caroll's [the big chain of gift shops].
The most interestind stall had a woman in her 50s for owner, and she wasn't really nice.No bargaining; "You get it for 40 in an antique shop", but the people at the cafe are kind.
Bottom line is; go, buy some nice Irish thing, have a coffe for 2,25 , read the paper, listen to ragtime, and get back to town or keep on and take a look at Killiney Bay.
P.S.: Unlike most flee markets; it gets busier at 11-12
You get off the DART station, walk up the village and it is in an inner yard.
I'd advise you to go there maybe to buy something special for souvenir rather than the stuff in Caroll's [the big chain of gift shops].
The most interestind stall had a woman in her 50s for owner, and she wasn't really nice.No bargaining; "You get it for 40 in an antique shop", but the people at the cafe are kind.
Bottom line is; go, buy some nice Irish thing, have a coffe for 2,25 , read the paper, listen to ragtime, and get back to town or keep on and take a look at Killiney Bay.
P.S.: Unlike most flee markets; it gets busier at 11-12
2008. május 14., szerda
Roviden osszefoglalva elfoglalt vagyok.
Matekbol kozepszintre valtottam es rohejesen egyszeru.Ez sok stresszt levett a vallamrol.
Hetfon abszolute vege a sulinak, jovo het penteken lesz az erettsegi bal. Van mar frakkom meg minden.
A kameram tonkrement, nem tudok kepeket csinalni, majd holnap megprobalok utananezni, lehet-e javitani.
Van baratnom, vele sokat talalkozok, es barmilyen giccsesen hangzik is de remek St Stephen's Green-ben a to partjan uldogelni.
Rengeteget vitorlazok elvben, gyakorlatban sokszor szelcsend van, de legalabb meleg napsuteses ido, barnulok is rendesen.
Tanulni azt kell, most Businessben belehuztam.Jovo heten osztanak ki dijakat, meglatjuk valyon en vagyok-e a legjobb tori diak.
Ilyesmik vannak.
P.S.:mindenkinek hajra erettsegihez
Matekbol kozepszintre valtottam es rohejesen egyszeru.Ez sok stresszt levett a vallamrol.
Hetfon abszolute vege a sulinak, jovo het penteken lesz az erettsegi bal. Van mar frakkom meg minden.
A kameram tonkrement, nem tudok kepeket csinalni, majd holnap megprobalok utananezni, lehet-e javitani.
Van baratnom, vele sokat talalkozok, es barmilyen giccsesen hangzik is de remek St Stephen's Green-ben a to partjan uldogelni.
Rengeteget vitorlazok elvben, gyakorlatban sokszor szelcsend van, de legalabb meleg napsuteses ido, barnulok is rendesen.
Tanulni azt kell, most Businessben belehuztam.Jovo heten osztanak ki dijakat, meglatjuk valyon en vagyok-e a legjobb tori diak.
Ilyesmik vannak.
P.S.:mindenkinek hajra erettsegihez
2008. május 9., péntek
This week
Very well so.
On Monday I stayed in and studied, watched TV, stuf like that.
On Tuesday I went to school, and after school I went to Dundrum.I met up with a girl called Therese, I met her on the Sunday night.We'll go to my debs together, and I am dating her.For this reason I am very happy.:-DD
On Wednesday We had a waterpolo tiurnament, where we got to the semi-final, but lost.It was tough because we really felt we played the refs and had to play with -4 and -2 Handicaps.WE even missed two of our good players and did not have training since Easter.Anyway,
I went sailing on Wednesday on the Sigma.Quite a windstill, but still 1,5 hours on the sea and the same on Thursday, maybe a bit windier. I got home at ten both days, and feel kinda exhausted.
P.S.:Sigma review is on the way
On Monday I stayed in and studied, watched TV, stuf like that.
On Tuesday I went to school, and after school I went to Dundrum.I met up with a girl called Therese, I met her on the Sunday night.We'll go to my debs together, and I am dating her.For this reason I am very happy.:-DD
On Wednesday We had a waterpolo tiurnament, where we got to the semi-final, but lost.It was tough because we really felt we played the refs and had to play with -4 and -2 Handicaps.WE even missed two of our good players and did not have training since Easter.Anyway,
I went sailing on Wednesday on the Sigma.Quite a windstill, but still 1,5 hours on the sea and the same on Thursday, maybe a bit windier. I got home at ten both days, and feel kinda exhausted.
P.S.:Sigma review is on the way
2008. május 5., hétfő
Das war ziiiiiiiiiiemlich krass
Ic bin bisschen nach 2000 losgegangen von Zuhause, DART um 2028 verpasst.Gewartet bis 2100 und zwischen 2130 und 2200 in der Innenstadt angekommen. Ich suchte nach "Groovement Soul Sleek" in 4 Dame Lane, aber keiner war da und ich bin nach Eamon Doran's weitergegangen. Ich dachte, na wenn ich alleine bin, dann setz' ich mich zu einem Tisch mit zwei Mädels; die waren ganz nett, und ich bin nur weggegangen als meine Klassenkameraden angekommen sind.Ich wusste nicht dass sie kommen, sie waren auf dem Too Many DJs Konzert in Dublin castle. Von da an sind wir draussen gesessen und haben getrunken.springer wir zu 0450, wenn ich immer noch in der Stadt bin aber letzte Nachtbus fährt um 0430.Heute is t May Bank Holiday, und die Busse und DART fahren wie an Sonntägen; erster Zug um 0730 und Busse auch um 0800-0830.Heisst ich war ziemlich am Arsch und musste Stundenlang warten.Ich wusste nicht wie lange es braucht zu Fuss nach Hause zu kommen, aber nach meiner GastMutter sollt's um 1,5 Stunden sein. Egal, ich traf nette Leute in der Stadt, sah wie alles aufwacht, und jetzt bin ich hier. Lektion; kriege den letzten Bus. Trotzdem wuerd' ich es nicht anders machen.
P.S.:details ueber den Zeitraum zwischen 2300 und 0450 kommen, nicht das ich nicht wusste was passiert ist, aber ich sag noch nichts
P.S.:details ueber den Zeitraum zwischen 2300 und 0450 kommen, nicht das ich nicht wusste was passiert ist, aber ich sag noch nichts
2008. május 3., szombat
Jazz and kickout
woohooo!something happened.Something worth writing about.
Now there are rules at my school one of the is; "Enter the room quietly....". I arrived laughing and at a high speed, e.g. running.This and the bad mood of the teacher, who shall remain anonym, contributed to her action anot to allow me into class. I was kicked out. i feel she overreacted, it was second last period, but let it be.
The other event is that I visited the Bray Jazz festival. It was a really good gig. first we heard an A'Capella band from Norway and later a jazz band, Swing & Co, consisting from a Trumpet,Saxofon, Contrabass and Guitar. They were good.
P.S.:my camera ain't work, so I cannot take any pictures
Now there are rules at my school one of the is; "Enter the room quietly....". I arrived laughing and at a high speed, e.g. running.This and the bad mood of the teacher, who shall remain anonym, contributed to her action anot to allow me into class. I was kicked out. i feel she overreacted, it was second last period, but let it be.
The other event is that I visited the Bray Jazz festival. It was a really good gig. first we heard an A'Capella band from Norway and later a jazz band, Swing & Co, consisting from a Trumpet,Saxofon, Contrabass and Guitar. They were good.
P.S.:my camera ain't work, so I cannot take any pictures
2008. április 29., kedd
the great surf in Killiney Bay
2008. április 27., vasárnap
Well, a quick sumamry now;
I have a busy time studying and I'm doing lots of things anyway.In maths my pre-Leaving Certificate was disastrous; 18% on Higher Level.It would be easy to switch to Ordinary Level, which is way easier, but I have a conditional offer from a university and their require Higher Level.I wrote a 87% test this week, but there are areas I didn't cover as the course expands over two years.Let's see how it turns out.
For a couple of days there was the best swell I've seen in Dublin-Killiney bay.Wave, kite and windsurfers were out for 3-4 days.
I uploaded the photos of my parents and my friend over here. We have very nice weather; quite warm and sunny. We have a table tennis championship in the school and it's great fun; everybody is watching the game in the breaks. We played a 6th year against Staff basketball game on Friday and we lost by 5 points, they were really good.
I found a couple of books in the dirt in the back of the Computer room in school; they are volumes of the "calendar of ancient records of dublin" published in the 1890s!!! And they just lay around in the dirt some of the pages uncut!!!
That's pretty much it, hope you enjoy the pictures
P.S.:Something my friend realised; you don't greet with Hi1 over here but rather with How are you=How're ya!
I have a busy time studying and I'm doing lots of things anyway.In maths my pre-Leaving Certificate was disastrous; 18% on Higher Level.It would be easy to switch to Ordinary Level, which is way easier, but I have a conditional offer from a university and their require Higher Level.I wrote a 87% test this week, but there are areas I didn't cover as the course expands over two years.Let's see how it turns out.
For a couple of days there was the best swell I've seen in Dublin-Killiney bay.Wave, kite and windsurfers were out for 3-4 days.
I uploaded the photos of my parents and my friend over here. We have very nice weather; quite warm and sunny. We have a table tennis championship in the school and it's great fun; everybody is watching the game in the breaks. We played a 6th year against Staff basketball game on Friday and we lost by 5 points, they were really good.
I found a couple of books in the dirt in the back of the Computer room in school; they are volumes of the "calendar of ancient records of dublin" published in the 1890s!!! And they just lay around in the dirt some of the pages uncut!!!
That's pretty much it, hope you enjoy the pictures
P.S.:Something my friend realised; you don't greet with Hi1 over here but rather with How are you=How're ya!
2008. április 18., péntek
A szuleim voltak latogatoban es veluk megneztuk Newgrange-t. Nagyon erdekes, milyen kevesse ismert ahhoz kepest, hogy 1200 evvel idosebb mint Stonehenge. Emellett egy ilyen etnologiai es tortenelmi jelentosegu hely csak ugy all, persze gondozottan, ket farm kozott.
P.S.:a taj mondanom sem kell gyonyoru
2008. április 8., kedd
Surfing trip
Es vegre sikerult!Felraktam rapidsharre a powerpointot amit csinaltam a surfozesrol.Az elso slidenal varni kell kicsit h beinduljon a zene aztan kattingassatok vegig.
P.S.:wait at the first slide for the music to start
P.S.:wait at the first slide for the music to start
2008. március 30., vasárnap
Trip to Howth
Wir sind am Freitag auf Howth gewesen.Das Cliff-walk ist ziemlich bekannt, und in anderthalb Stunden sind wir um den Halbinsel spaziert. Essen sollte teuer sein, aber frisch aus dem See. Wir aBen Fishermann's chowder in einem der Pubs fuer 5,50 und trotz des kleinen Portions war esOk fuer ein Mittagessen. Natuerlich bin ich ken normaler Mensch in diesem Zusammenhang, also hatte ich noch Spring-Rolls mit Tuna im Fast-Food.:-D
frueher hatte Irland eine ziemlich grose Fischerflotte, aber im Atlantik haben die Spaniern die Seekreaturen ueberfischt, und die kleine Irische Kuttern konnten sowieso nicht mithalten. Heute leben immer weniger Leute aus dem See und die Iren essen wenig Fisch. Die Fischmarkt in Dublin ist nur vor 2-3 Jahren verschwunden und in Dun Laoghaire sind es um 7-8 Fischerboote.
Das cliffwalk ist mehr als empfehlenswert, jeder der nach Dublin kommt sollte es machen.
P.S.:Bericht von Surfen kommt
2008. március 18., kedd
Egy leprechaun
Ezer meg ezer ember jarkalt ilyen kalapban, de valamiert a kisgyerekek ram mutogattak a vonaton, es a kozeli kisvarosban is integettek es mosolyogtak az emberek. jol esett,
aki koszont annak adtam loheret. Az igazi irek egy koteg loheret hordanak a szivuk folott, nekem is szerzett anyukam es abbol adtam a vidam embereknek akik lathatoan orultek neki, tenyleg jobb adni mint kapni.
St Patrick's Day
Also, St Patrick's Day, ofters Paddy's Day genannt, war gestern. Ich war nur fur eine kurze Stunde in der Stadt um einen Blick auf das Parade zu haben. Ich hab' noch nie so etwas gesehen, Marching Bands; von Kanada bis Holland, sogar Kadeten der West Point waren da! Riesen Luftballons, und alle in der Masse gruen gekleidet. Viel kann ich dazu nicht sagen, es waren 650,000 Leute in der Stadt und mit 5-6 Freunden ist es riesen Spass.
P.S.:An Paddy's Day ist immer ein Schiff der Marine in Dublin und frei zu besichtigen
2008. március 13., csütörtök
uj haj
Levagattam a hajam.Mohawk.Miert?Nem mert Mr T-nek (Rosszfiu magyarul) ilyen van. vagy mert az USA tengereszgyalogosainak ilyen fazon volt egeszen a nyolcvanas evekig vagy az ejtoernyosoknek a masodik vilaghaboruban, dehogy, hanem mert tetszik es praktikus.Plusz a haditengereszetnel eloiras a rovid haj.
P.S.:tudom, nem ez a tipikus surfos hajviselet, de azt majd nyaron
2008. március 12., szerda
J'avais le jeu de water-polo aujourd'hui a Belfast. Mais nous n'avons pas gagné. Personne gagne, parce que il n'y avait pas assez de temps. Les champions de derniere année a emmené la tasse à la maison.
À Belfast vous pouvez voir les signes du conflit politique. Les boucliers et les peintures marquant IRA et territoires RSF.
J'ai reçu mes pounds premières aujourd'hui, parce que je n'ai jamais été dans le Royaume-Uni auparavant. 50pence, 2x1pound, 20pence, 5pence, 2x2pence
P.S.:J'ai marqué 4 buts
2008. március 9., vasárnap
short summarizing
I had the mocks this week, some will be good some not that much.
I was jogging almost every day, I even got a rugby jersey posted, my dad organised it.Work is hard as I finish at 2-3:30am. A must see is the man who played at the Igo Inn yesterday; Randy Roxx. I have a poster of him, deadly. Unfortunately we lost the rugby game yesterday, but nice match though. There is no sailing today; Gael force winds, even sandbags were isuued to some estates nearby and the board walks along the Liffey are closed.
Some good news are that we won the Leinster finals in waterpolo; beat Blackrock college 15 to 1.
That's it, sorry for not giving details on this or that, but I still have Histry exam left.
P.S.:Go Italy!!!
2008. március 3., hétfő
Am Samstag waren wir im Jameson Brauerei, ich muss sagen; es ist langweilig. Es ist vielleicht mal Wert hinzugehen, und es gibt Typen von Whiskey die nur da zu kaufen sind, aber...
Ein interessanter Geschichte die ich in einem pub erlebt habe; das Band spielt als letztes Lied die Nationalhymne. Sowas nenne ich Patriotismus.
Das Wetter heute ar verrueckt;Wind bis zu 120km/h, Sonnenschein und Schnee.Und das alles gleichzeitig.
P.S.:ab morgen gibt's Vorpruefungen
Ein interessanter Geschichte die ich in einem pub erlebt habe; das Band spielt als letztes Lied die Nationalhymne. Sowas nenne ich Patriotismus.
Das Wetter heute ar verrueckt;Wind bis zu 120km/h, Sonnenschein und Schnee.Und das alles gleichzeitig.
P.S.:ab morgen gibt's Vorpruefungen
Mozgalmas idoszak
Most visszaterek ahhoz ami az elejen volt h nemetul, angolul es magyarul is irok ugyanarrol a temarol. De mi is tortent?
Kezdjuk el szombattal. Egy erdekes jellegzetessege hogy az egyuttes aki fellep a vegen eljatszza az ir himnuszt. Valoszinuleg ebben kozrejatszik a teny, hogy a himnusz optimista es buszke nem pedig olyan mint a milyenk, de megis. Ez egy egeszseges patriotizmus. Szombaton voltunk nemet sracokkal a Jameson whiskeyfozde muzeumban. A tenyallas az hogy unalmas. Amiert talan megeri az jelentkezni onkentesnek es kapsz oklevelet; hivatalos whiskeykostolo vagy.De amugy semmi.
Ma pedig idojaras szempontjabol a legerdekesebb nap volt; eggel verofenyes napsutes, de 100km/h-s szel es havaseso.Majd szelcsen es napsutes, most pedig szel es havazas. Az orszag belsejeben hoembert epitettek.Nem semmi.
P.S.:ma itthon tanultam.Holnaptol kiserettsegi
Kezdjuk el szombattal. Egy erdekes jellegzetessege hogy az egyuttes aki fellep a vegen eljatszza az ir himnuszt. Valoszinuleg ebben kozrejatszik a teny, hogy a himnusz optimista es buszke nem pedig olyan mint a milyenk, de megis. Ez egy egeszseges patriotizmus. Szombaton voltunk nemet sracokkal a Jameson whiskeyfozde muzeumban. A tenyallas az hogy unalmas. Amiert talan megeri az jelentkezni onkentesnek es kapsz oklevelet; hivatalos whiskeykostolo vagy.De amugy semmi.
Ma pedig idojaras szempontjabol a legerdekesebb nap volt; eggel verofenyes napsutes, de 100km/h-s szel es havaseso.Majd szelcsen es napsutes, most pedig szel es havazas. Az orszag belsejeben hoembert epitettek.Nem semmi.
P.S.:ma itthon tanultam.Holnaptol kiserettsegi
2008. február 24., vasárnap
The lower deck
You want an Irish pub in Dublin? Go to The lower deck. The solldiers from Cathal Brugha barracks go there as well and locals watch the rugby games. A pint is 4€. I think there is not much to say, It has a great and friendly athmosphere.
It is located in Rathmines, Portobello Harbour 1, Dblin 8. Buses going there are 128, 83 and 15.
This club is near O'Connell bridge and redZ, meaning it is easy to reachby bus or DART.
The entrance fee is 10€ and as usual ID is checked. On Mondays if you have a flyer the entrance is only 1€ and the drinks are 3€. the music is, well you know my opinion on Rihanna and whatever. They have loads of screens playing the music vids.
P.S.:website, beware of house music playing in the intro
The entrance fee is 10€ and as usual ID is checked. On Mondays if you have a flyer the entrance is only 1€ and the drinks are 3€. the music is, well you know my opinion on Rihanna and whatever. They have loads of screens playing the music vids.
P.S.:website, beware of house music playing in the intro
2008. február 23., szombat
Yesterday I met up with the spanish in Dun Laoghaire. You can't imagine how annoying it can be when 20 people shout around you, and you just don't get it. However most of them switched to English when I asked them. We made our way into town with almost the last DART, after waiting because a boy and a girl broke up. After waiting for the arguing couple again, two girls and me just left and went to XXI.
The night went great, some drinks, bad music, but nice people and great time.On the bus I was lucky to sit down beside Germans and they didn't know I understodd them, so it was a bit awkward when I revealed I do. Still we changed phone numbers and will meet sometime.I got home at around 4 o'clock.
P.S.:Today is the Ireland against Scotland rugby game and the city is filled with kilts.
2008. február 22., péntek
Well, as I said, there is nothing happening. An Austrian lad who came after Christmas went back; he did not like Ireland. I draw a poster, I may do a better version and than post it.
OK, i found something important; I will have a training session by the Navy on Sunday.Great!!:-D
Tonight we'll go into town (i.e. Dublin city center) with a spanish fella.
P.S.:i listen and learn Billy Joel-Piano man on harmonica
OK, i found something important; I will have a training session by the Navy on Sunday.Great!!:-D
Tonight we'll go into town (i.e. Dublin city center) with a spanish fella.
P.S.:i listen and learn Billy Joel-Piano man on harmonica
2008. február 20., szerda
Also ich bin zuruck aus dem Snowboarden, und es war toll.Ich dachte ich kann euch darueber berichten wie man eine Fernbeziehung am Leben haltet, aber leider nicht.
Zur Zeit haben die Leute hier anstatt von Abi-Stress MOCK Stress.MOCK nennt man die Vorprufungen, die nur da sind um einfach zu messen was man schaffen wurde. Ich fand eine Creperie wo die ziemlich groBe pancackes haben.
Das ist es zur Zeit, wir haben sehr schones Wetterm und mal sehen was wird.
P.S.:Die am meisten interessante posts in den kommenden Wochen werden Harmonika Sachen glaub' ich.
Zur Zeit haben die Leute hier anstatt von Abi-Stress MOCK Stress.MOCK nennt man die Vorprufungen, die nur da sind um einfach zu messen was man schaffen wurde. Ich fand eine Creperie wo die ziemlich groBe pancackes haben.
Das ist es zur Zeit, wir haben sehr schones Wetterm und mal sehen was wird.
P.S.:Die am meisten interessante posts in den kommenden Wochen werden Harmonika Sachen glaub' ich.
2008. február 6., szerda
Ma helybol erdekesen kezdodott a napom, ugyanis tegnap mikor jotem haza a haditengereszettol, lattam egy hajo fenyeit az obolben.Csodalkoztam, milyen nagy, halaszhajo lenne, vagy susumotoros?Ma reggel viszont a napfelkelteben ott allt ket hadihajo.Gyonyoru volt, az egyik epp indult es a leheto legszukebb koron fordult, gondoltam is magamban, na ezen fogok en szolgalni lehet egy par hetet.
A suliban aztan lement a nap, utana meg voltam egyet a varosban kacskaringozni, es most itthon szajharmonika meg effelek.
P.S.:szombaton aztan irany Budapest, Snowboard
Ma helybol erdekesen kezdodott a napom, ugyanis tegnap mikor jotem haza a haditengereszettol, lattam egy hajo fenyeit az obolben.Csodalkoztam, milyen nagy, halaszhajo lenne, vagy susumotoros?Ma reggel viszont a napfelkelteben ott allt ket hadihajo.Gyonyoru volt, az egyik epp indult es a leheto legszukebb koron fordult, gondoltam is magamban, na ezen fogok en szolgalni lehet egy par hetet.
A suliban aztan lement a nap, utana meg voltam egyet a varosban kacskaringozni, es most itthon szajharmonika meg effelek.
P.S.:szombaton aztan irany Budapest, Snowboard
Radio City Dublin
Radio City Dublin is located near to Connolly station, and so it is very easy to find.
The upper floor is a bar without entrance fee, however i haven't seen a single person there.
the fee for downstairs has been 10€ when i was there but it may vary depending on the gig.
A pint is 4 something, so i would say the place is average Dublin, both in prices and style.
My personal opinion is that the place does not have a special atmosphere, and the people aged between 20 and 35 are probably visiting RCD every week.I think it is a bit boring and I left at around midnight.
On my evening an indie group played first; good stuff some 5 dancing, but later on the Dj didn't really receive the admiration of the 40 people who were there at the night.
The upper floor is a bar without entrance fee, however i haven't seen a single person there.
the fee for downstairs has been 10€ when i was there but it may vary depending on the gig.
A pint is 4 something, so i would say the place is average Dublin, both in prices and style.
My personal opinion is that the place does not have a special atmosphere, and the people aged between 20 and 35 are probably visiting RCD every week.I think it is a bit boring and I left at around midnight.
On my evening an indie group played first; good stuff some 5 dancing, but later on the Dj didn't really receive the admiration of the 40 people who were there at the night.
2008. február 5., kedd
Hallo erstmal
Diese Wochenende war vielleich das am besten bis jetzt;
am freitag habe ich nichts gemacht und am Samstag habe ich auch nur gepennt.aber am Samstag Abend war Afterparty vom Musical auf dem Programm und es ist richtig gut ausgefallen; viele Mädels, Leute, bisschen trinken und am Ende beim Kumpel schlafen.Geiles Gefuehl.
Am Sonntag gab's dann mächtig Sturm und es gab kein segeln aber am Abend sind wir ins Kino gegangen; Cloverfield.
Obwohl ich immer noch seeehr viele Filme schaue schreibe ich keine Reviews mehr.Uber cloverfield nur so viel; das Kamera muss ja geil sein, haltet alles aus und funktioniert fuer 9 Stunden.Das "size zero" Mädel haltet ein Stachel durch Lunge und Herz fuer 5 Stunden aus und kann dann noch 38 Stockwerke nach unten klettern und laufen.Die ueberleben ein Hubschrauberunfall aus der Hohe 400m.jaaaaaaaaaa.Also wenn Cloverfield oder godzilla dann definitiv Godzilla.
P.S.:ich bin wirklich froh, abgesehen von einiges
Diese Wochenende war vielleich das am besten bis jetzt;
am freitag habe ich nichts gemacht und am Samstag habe ich auch nur gepennt.aber am Samstag Abend war Afterparty vom Musical auf dem Programm und es ist richtig gut ausgefallen; viele Mädels, Leute, bisschen trinken und am Ende beim Kumpel schlafen.Geiles Gefuehl.
Am Sonntag gab's dann mächtig Sturm und es gab kein segeln aber am Abend sind wir ins Kino gegangen; Cloverfield.
Obwohl ich immer noch seeehr viele Filme schaue schreibe ich keine Reviews mehr.Uber cloverfield nur so viel; das Kamera muss ja geil sein, haltet alles aus und funktioniert fuer 9 Stunden.Das "size zero" Mädel haltet ein Stachel durch Lunge und Herz fuer 5 Stunden aus und kann dann noch 38 Stockwerke nach unten klettern und laufen.Die ueberleben ein Hubschrauberunfall aus der Hohe 400m.jaaaaaaaaaa.Also wenn Cloverfield oder godzilla dann definitiv Godzilla.
P.S.:ich bin wirklich froh, abgesehen von einiges
2008. január 31., csütörtök
I have a pretty busy time but I will force myself to post at least once in two days.
Now the important things in the last week are;
I am about to join the Naval Service Reserves, and it looks good, next week I will have every paper filled out and my trainings will begin.I'm soooooooo excited.
We came second in the Leinster Waterpolo Championship, but still qualified to the All-Ireland, and we'll win that one.
The schools junior rugby team came second in Leinster, too.
In the waterpolo finals one of the opponents somehow didn't know what fair-play means; although waterpolo is a full contact sport and you will get hurt two things he did are nasty; he bit me and he didn't cut his fingernails.We'll meet them again and he won't be smiling afterwards., neither did he this time.
The Navy was great, when I'm in and have training I will post more about it. now I catched a cold and stayed in, because tomorrow there will be an afterparty for the school musical.
2008. január 25., péntek
What do we find on Hungary in the Irish media?
herald.am, Friday 25 January 2008, page 8
[Priests plead for exemption after drink-drive crackdown
THE Catholic Church in hungary has asked the country's justice minister to exempt its priests from a new regulation which severly punishes drink-driving.
Under a "zero tolerance" rule which took effect this month, police can confiscate a driver's license on the spot if the breathalyser shows any trace of alcohol.
The Catholic Church says its priests celebrate mass daily and drinking sacramental wine is an essential part of the ceremony.
Due to a shortage of priests, many hold Masses is several villages a day.They also drive to funerals and when visiting the sick, church authorities wrote in a letter to the minister.
The church plans to issue special cards for its priests to show that they consume alcohol in the fulfilment of official duties.]
METRO Wednesday, January 23, 2008, page 2
A TEENAGE gang that made a video of themselves robbing shops that ended up on national TV were caught after a rival gang saw the programme - and told olive whre to find them. The six Hungarian teens filmed themselves committing crimes in Budapest and had passed out copies, and police found the footage. They were each given five years in prison for theft and armed robbery.]
METRO Friday, January 25, 2008, page 4
[A Hungarian pensioner escaped without a scratch after falling in front of a speeding train in the middle of the rail tracks, so the train passed harmlessly over him.Zsolt Kovacs, 85, slipped while crossing the tracks in the town of Postye. Witnesses said once the train had gone, he calmly picked himself up and walked pff. Mr Kovacs said: 'I thought my time was up when I fell over. Iheard the roar of the train and closed my eyes, waiting to get crushed, but the next thing I knew, it was quiet again and I was still alive.']
METRO Friday, January 25, 2008, page 10
[HUNGARY: A Hungarian man caught masturbating while riding his bike down a busy street has been given a three-year suspended jail sentence and a fine. A court heard how Ferenc Balog, 61, had kept one hand on the handlebar while he used his other hand to masturbate - but had lost control when he climaxed and ploughed into a shop window in the town of Dombovar. He was fined €94 and given a three-year suspended sentence for indecent exposure.]
METRO Thursday, December 13, 2007, page 3
picture of Johnny Depp[Moved to make a movie: The bank robber's story has inspired Depp
Depp Hungary to film robber's life
JOHNNY DEPP wants to make a film about a legendary Hungarian bank robber who downed a shot of whiskey at the banks as he robbed them. Depp said he wanted to produce a film about Attila Ambrus, a former ice-hockey player who robbed banks across the country. He became a legend by drinking whiskey as he robbed banks; giving flowers to female bank clerks as he asked them to hand over the cash - and by spectacularly evading the police, in one case even jumping into the river Danube to flee from them. Ambrus is currently serving 15years in jail but Depp said he had recently read Ambrus's memoires and wanted to use them as basis for his film.]
[Priests plead for exemption after drink-drive crackdown
THE Catholic Church in hungary has asked the country's justice minister to exempt its priests from a new regulation which severly punishes drink-driving.
Under a "zero tolerance" rule which took effect this month, police can confiscate a driver's license on the spot if the breathalyser shows any trace of alcohol.
The Catholic Church says its priests celebrate mass daily and drinking sacramental wine is an essential part of the ceremony.
Due to a shortage of priests, many hold Masses is several villages a day.They also drive to funerals and when visiting the sick, church authorities wrote in a letter to the minister.
The church plans to issue special cards for its priests to show that they consume alcohol in the fulfilment of official duties.]
METRO Wednesday, January 23, 2008, page 2
A TEENAGE gang that made a video of themselves robbing shops that ended up on national TV were caught after a rival gang saw the programme - and told olive whre to find them. The six Hungarian teens filmed themselves committing crimes in Budapest and had passed out copies, and police found the footage. They were each given five years in prison for theft and armed robbery.]
METRO Friday, January 25, 2008, page 4
[A Hungarian pensioner escaped without a scratch after falling in front of a speeding train in the middle of the rail tracks, so the train passed harmlessly over him.Zsolt Kovacs, 85, slipped while crossing the tracks in the town of Postye. Witnesses said once the train had gone, he calmly picked himself up and walked pff. Mr Kovacs said: 'I thought my time was up when I fell over. Iheard the roar of the train and closed my eyes, waiting to get crushed, but the next thing I knew, it was quiet again and I was still alive.']
METRO Friday, January 25, 2008, page 10
[HUNGARY: A Hungarian man caught masturbating while riding his bike down a busy street has been given a three-year suspended jail sentence and a fine. A court heard how Ferenc Balog, 61, had kept one hand on the handlebar while he used his other hand to masturbate - but had lost control when he climaxed and ploughed into a shop window in the town of Dombovar. He was fined €94 and given a three-year suspended sentence for indecent exposure.]
METRO Thursday, December 13, 2007, page 3
picture of Johnny Depp[Moved to make a movie: The bank robber's story has inspired Depp
Depp Hungary to film robber's life
JOHNNY DEPP wants to make a film about a legendary Hungarian bank robber who downed a shot of whiskey at the banks as he robbed them. Depp said he wanted to produce a film about Attila Ambrus, a former ice-hockey player who robbed banks across the country. He became a legend by drinking whiskey as he robbed banks; giving flowers to female bank clerks as he asked them to hand over the cash - and by spectacularly evading the police, in one case even jumping into the river Danube to flee from them. Ambrus is currently serving 15years in jail but Depp said he had recently read Ambrus's memoires and wanted to use them as basis for his film.]
2008. január 22., kedd
Hol is kezdjem?
Beadtam a jelentkezesem az angol egyetemekre, mar megkaptam a visszaigazolast hogy elfogadtak es meg meglatjuk mi lesz. Beadtam a jelentkezesem a Trinity College Dublin-ra is, ott kesobb varhato a visszajelzes.Vasarnap volt vitorlazas es hogy-hogy nem, de rajt-cel gyozelmet arattam.Magnoval voltam es sikerult harom Vago-t, egy 18as Skud-ot, egy Magno-t es ket 420ast magam moge utasitani. Kepzelhetitek hogy orultem, pedig nem is volt olyan rossz a mezony.
Bejelentkeztem a musical-re technikusnak, az is legalabb elfoglaltsag es lesz afterparty is persze.
Ma elmentunk egy rovidke kis kirandulasra a ket uj nemet sraccal.Felsetaltunk a Witches' Hat-re.Ok ketten legalabb hasonloan aktivak es szeretnek megismerni Dublin-t es kornyeket. Valoszinuleg majd egyutt megyunk el Howth-ra is.
Ma este megyek egy vizilabda klubba, csak hogy megnezzem milyen.
Tudom irhatnek reszletesebben, de mar igy is sokat ulok a gep elott; msnezek egy lannyal.
Most roviden ennyi lenne, majd a heten meg irok egy hoszabbat, leirom az utvonaat Killiney Hill-re is.
P.S.:ma nincsen suli
P.S.2:a Karib tenger kalozai:A vilag vegen-t neztuk meg penteken, hat szornyu volt es meg Jack Sparrow illetve Jack apjanak a karaktere sem mentette meg
2008. január 17., csütörtök
Wieder ene woche
Also diese Woche ist nichts besonderes passiert, ich hab meine Ergebnisse zuruckgekriegt:
Mathe:45%, D2
Englisch:58%, C3
Business:45%, D2
Geschichte:83%, B1
Das heisst ich brauchte noch 105 Punkte beim Irish Leaving Certificate in Juni.Sonst war ich mal joggen und hab auch dieses kleine Video mal gemacht.
P.S.:DART zwischen Shankill und Killiney in Richtung Shankill
P.S.2:I spotted this in our schoolbook; "Poetry Now Leaving Certificate English Poetry Higher Level 2008" by Niall MacMonagle."The African American poet Rita Dove uses the myth in her book Mother Love(1995)"[page 32]
Now may I ask, why is it important that Rita Dove is African American?I know it is a major part of her identity and biography, but why in this context?There is no other Rita Dove.So why don't we just always say the White poet Eavan Boland?The White poet Nicholas Lemann?I'm not saying this was racist , but interesting and brought me to a bit of thinking.
Mathe:45%, D2
Englisch:58%, C3
Business:45%, D2
Geschichte:83%, B1
Das heisst ich brauchte noch 105 Punkte beim Irish Leaving Certificate in Juni.Sonst war ich mal joggen und hab auch dieses kleine Video mal gemacht.
P.S.:DART zwischen Shankill und Killiney in Richtung Shankill
P.S.2:I spotted this in our schoolbook; "Poetry Now Leaving Certificate English Poetry Higher Level 2008" by Niall MacMonagle."The African American poet Rita Dove uses the myth in her book Mother Love(1995)"[page 32]
Now may I ask, why is it important that Rita Dove is African American?I know it is a major part of her identity and biography, but why in this context?There is no other Rita Dove.So why don't we just always say the White poet Eavan Boland?The White poet Nicholas Lemann?I'm not saying this was racist , but interesting and brought me to a bit of thinking.
Othello at UCD
Today we saw the play Othello by William Shakespeare at Univerity College Dublin. The audience consisted in 90% of school groups.
The play was horrible. Othello was played by a foreign student and because of his accent one could hardly understand what he was saying.After a short time by every third word he said the audience laughed. The young actor playing Cassio was the other critical point; he wasn't secure and made couple of mistakes in his text.
All in al if I wasn't there with the school I would have left after 15 minutes.
The play was horrible. Othello was played by a foreign student and because of his accent one could hardly understand what he was saying.After a short time by every third word he said the audience laughed. The young actor playing Cassio was the other critical point; he wasn't secure and made couple of mistakes in his text.
All in al if I wasn't there with the school I would have left after 15 minutes.
2008. január 14., hétfő
Ujra itthon
Nos ebben a ket helyen lakasban van egy kis problema; nme tudod mindkettot otthonnak hivjad vagy Dublin es Budapest.
Penteken felkeltem egy egeszen emberi idoben, 9 ora, es aztan bementem 13:30ra az iskolaba. Ket ropke tanora utan vizilabdaedzes es jottem haza.Meg elotte megbeszeltuk h elmegyunk este, a korabban mar emlitett redZ-be mert ott olcso a pia.Onnan 2re ertem haza, nem ittam sokat, azt mar megtettem Budapesten, gondolom pont veletek akik olvassatok a blogom.Talalkoztam az osztalytarsakkal, szocialis elet nagyon fontos.Szombaton itthon voltam es magamra nem valloan orakig az msnen beszeltem valakivel.Lementem meg egyet futni a partra.Vegul egy kozeli ejfeli lefekves utan, jott a vasarnap.
Az idojarast elozo nap megneztem a windguru-n, es otos kozeli de gyengulo szelet mutatott.Akkor estere is ototset mutatott de annal rosszabbnak latszott.Vegul reggel 8-9 kozt igazan viharos ido volt, de amikor megjottem a kikotobe szinte szelcsend.Vegul az egyik legjobb vitorlasido kerekedett es egy kellemes 3asban folyt le a verseny.Sajnos a regi 420assal voltam es spinakker nelkul az elso raum szakaszon a harmadikrol a hatodik helyre csusztam, harom Laser Vago es ket masik 420as moge.Ok elhuztak de biztosan megmaradt a tavolsag koztunk es a ket Laser Magnok kozt, ez jo eredmeny volt.Megintcsak lattam ket fokat.
Ma iskola, erettsegivel foglalkozas, es most itthon tanulas.
P.S.:mindenkinek koszonom akivel otthon bulizni voltam es jol ereztuk magunk.
Penteken felkeltem egy egeszen emberi idoben, 9 ora, es aztan bementem 13:30ra az iskolaba. Ket ropke tanora utan vizilabdaedzes es jottem haza.Meg elotte megbeszeltuk h elmegyunk este, a korabban mar emlitett redZ-be mert ott olcso a pia.Onnan 2re ertem haza, nem ittam sokat, azt mar megtettem Budapesten, gondolom pont veletek akik olvassatok a blogom.Talalkoztam az osztalytarsakkal, szocialis elet nagyon fontos.Szombaton itthon voltam es magamra nem valloan orakig az msnen beszeltem valakivel.Lementem meg egyet futni a partra.Vegul egy kozeli ejfeli lefekves utan, jott a vasarnap.
Az idojarast elozo nap megneztem a windguru-n, es otos kozeli de gyengulo szelet mutatott.Akkor estere is ototset mutatott de annal rosszabbnak latszott.Vegul reggel 8-9 kozt igazan viharos ido volt, de amikor megjottem a kikotobe szinte szelcsend.Vegul az egyik legjobb vitorlasido kerekedett es egy kellemes 3asban folyt le a verseny.Sajnos a regi 420assal voltam es spinakker nelkul az elso raum szakaszon a harmadikrol a hatodik helyre csusztam, harom Laser Vago es ket masik 420as moge.Ok elhuztak de biztosan megmaradt a tavolsag koztunk es a ket Laser Magnok kozt, ez jo eredmeny volt.Megintcsak lattam ket fokat.
Ma iskola, erettsegivel foglalkozas, es most itthon tanulas.
P.S.:mindenkinek koszonom akivel otthon bulizni voltam es jol ereztuk magunk.
2008. január 11., péntek
Hi Folks!
I'm back and will post again and discover more and more of the Dubliner and Irish life
P.S.:and be less bored
I'm back and will post again and discover more and more of the Dubliner and Irish life
P.S.:and be less bored
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