I woke up, but late. The floor was cold, I took my wife's scuffs, went down, turned on the coffee machine and begun to make breakfast for the kids.My wife woke them up and when they got down the bread was ready. I drunk my coffee and dressed up, drove them to the school and headed out to my Manhattan office.I picked up some Double Super Size Quarter Pounder Big Mac with Cheese and another coffee. I was listening to some radio station while sitting in the traffic jam.
I got in at about half an hour ago and travelled up to my 82nd floor office.I tried to sneak in that my boss does not see me, but he waited in my office, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT; IN MY OFFICE!!!. so while he was jelling a me I imagined him being an alien and did not hear anything alse than grubhanghrrrhubanghsshtruff.And than; BANG and everybody begu to cry and shout and I ran to the window, making my boss just getting angrier. He obviously did not hear that sound as he is a bit deaf. Stnading at the window I looked down and saw absolutely nothing special. I recognized everybody ran to the other side and there was something unordinary. Flames and smoke were bursting out fro the other tower. An airplane crashed into it, I took pictures with my cellphone; hoped they're gonna look cool on Youtube.
At this point i went to the toilet because of the coffees and phoned to different people afterwards, just like veryone else, asking the silly question; "did you see it?".Of course they did. It was very much more excitement than fear.
Now this changed when the next airplane hit our tower. I tried to call my wife and when finally reaching her I told her that the plane hit under us and ther's no escape and I love her.
At this point came The Idea. I started running up the stairs and met people runnning downstairs.
By reaching the top and standing on the highest skyscraper of the world I did not see anything ecept for black smoke.took a deep breath, cough and jumped.
And here I am, a meter over the ground after 9 seconds of falling and the first and last triple salto of my life, thinking all this, at the age of 37, seeing the other tower falling on me and cursing those who did this. I really hope the paradise and the 40 virgins looks as good as the imem told me.
Well lads, yu know the stickers on the cars:
shit happens
2007. október 9., kedd
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5 megjegyzés:
hi öcsém,
ez most pontosan mi is? történt veled valami vacak (s*** happens), vagy csak hülyéskedsz? vagy ez egy esszéd? annak nem rossz. ja igen, legjobb tudomásom szerint 72 szűz várja az igazhitű muszlimokat. bár ahogy Wallmann mondta: "Mit Odin im Walhall sitzen und Bier trinken, von Valküren bedienen lassen."
na csőnadrág
ez az egyik esszem
Do consider Christopher Luxenberg's contention in his Die Syro-Aramäische Lesart des Korans, in which he contends that the Qu'ran is full of misinterpretations - in short, he is assuming that much of the Qu'ran is not in Arabic but in Syriac, so when he stumbles upon a homophone, he takes the Syriac meaning. To cut to the chase, apparently he suggests that the 72 virgins in fact mean 72 white grapes, aka. raisins.
A bit of a bad surprise for some, I assume.
ahhhhhhh, I only got the insturctions:
you are on one of the floors over the explosion, you'll die.Write an essay.I diod not have resources about when it happened, which floors, how many floors were there and how many virgins or grapes are in the paradise of the muslims.
P.S.:funny story though, isn't it?
Just a tiny correction: not Chritopher, but Christoph. The idea is interesting, I should read the book when I will have time for it.
Yeah, it is really a bad surprise.
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