2008. április 27., vasárnap


Well, a quick sumamry now;
I have a busy time studying and I'm doing lots of things anyway.In maths my pre-Leaving Certificate was disastrous; 18% on Higher Level.It would be easy to switch to Ordinary Level, which is way easier, but I have a conditional offer from a university and their require Higher Level.I wrote a 87% test this week, but there are areas I didn't cover as the course expands over two years.Let's see how it turns out.
For a couple of days there was the best swell I've seen in Dublin-Killiney bay.Wave, kite and windsurfers were out for 3-4 days.
I uploaded the photos of my parents and my friend over here. We have very nice weather; quite warm and sunny. We have a table tennis championship in the school and it's great fun; everybody is watching the game in the breaks. We played a 6th year against Staff basketball game on Friday and we lost by 5 points, they were really good.
I found a couple of books in the dirt in the back of the Computer room in school; they are volumes of the "calendar of ancient records of dublin" published in the 1890s!!! And they just lay around in the dirt some of the pages uncut!!!
That's pretty much it, hope you enjoy the pictures
P.S.:Something my friend realised; you don't greet with Hi1 over here but rather with How are you=How're ya!

2 megjegyzés:

Névtelen írta...

Where's your conditional offer from - TCD or KCL? Also, what's your expected?

dana_hun írta...

I don't have an offer from Trinity in the same way; you make the points, you're in system is in operation. i was denied by King's, they did not make an offer.
The offer from Birmingham was for AAABBB on Higher Level, and I switched to Ordinary, so I'm not gonna get in there. The offer from Kent is for 300 UCAS Tariff points. I'll be able to make that as i expect two A1 fro German and Hungarian as foreign language, an A2 orA1 from History, these would hopefully make up 255 and my English seems to be at a C1 Level, Maths (ordinary) is another A and Business could turn ot to be anyhing from a C to an A.
The plan at the moment is to go back and finish DSB next year, then go on to university, means I'll try Oxford as well.