2008. június 12., csütörtök

moving out

I'm moving out.I know I did not post recently; was sitting on me arse studying.I only have German Leaving Certificate left tomorrow.I'm moving to another host family today and leave for Bundoran, surfing on Saturday morning. There's been a lot going on lately, sailing, exams, birthday, i'll try to post, but maybe from Bundaoran.
P.S.:Have less than a month left in Eire

2008. május 30., péntek

Der Vertrag von Lissabon

Ich hab' keine Ahnung wie viel in Deutschland oder in Ungarn ueber den Vertrag debattiert wurde; hier jedenfalls gibt es riesen Kampagne, sowohl fuer als auch dagegen. Es sind nur 13 Tage uebrig und als Ire wuesst' ich nicht was zu machen. Ich hab' eine Unmenge von Plakate um mich, am Anfang nur "NO" zur Zeit eher "YES" und kriege flyers von verschiedenen Leuten.Wenn es "YES" ist dann in den meisten Fällen Mitglieder von Partei-en; Labour, Fianna Fail, Fine Gael. Die "NO" verteilen sind komische Leute; einer sogar in Dart vader Maske; kein Courage sein Gesicht zu zeigen. Ich wuerde mein Gesicht auch nicht zeigen wenn mein Flyer Sätze enthalten wuerde wie;

"The treaty establishes a New EU makin Ireland act as a province"

"The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights means your rights will be defined, changed or taken away by the European Court of Justice, you will not have natural free human rights or rights guaranteed by the Irish Constitution."

Ich weiss ich koennte en super dokumentation machen , bin aber zu beschäftigt.

Jeder soll fuer sich entscheiden;


P.S.:vielleicht kommt noch mehr


Gestern war ich wieder segeln; und ich hab' sogar mit dem Boot eingeparkt, fuehlt sich cool an, dass ich das auch kann.Wiederum geiles Wetter; Sonnenschein und schoen Wind, wir haben um 7 Knoten erreicht.


P.S.:SonntagSonntagSonntag :-D

2008. május 28., szerda

Sigma sailing

I was sailing on the sigma today.It looked bad at the beginning, but it turned into one of the best sailings ever.Nice 3-3,5 wind and the boat made around 7 knots, great keeling, fun from the tippytoes to the head.Brilliant handling, nice turning, not too comfortable though; very little space for the captain. If anybody wants a boat for racing and still take out the family for a ride; Sigma 33.


P.S.:that iz meeee

2008. május 27., kedd


Excellent wretch!


P.S.:but I look good :-D


andtheweeneris: DAN

Herbert Park

Herbert Park

Interesting life

Hi everyone!
A lot of things happened last week.
We finished school on Monday since then we study at home and only go to school, in casual clothes, to attend block-classes.They are 1-1,5 hour classes revising the year.Useful.
On Monday we had our group photo taken, and afterwards we went to a nearby Park to drink.Naturally Garda rolled by, someone called them. Illegally they made us empty unopened bottles of non-alcoholic drinks and behaved rude, but well; they are the police.
On Thursday we had our Graduation ceremony; Mass and Pricegiving.I won the Waterpolo Trainers Award.
On Friday we had our debs(=prom night).It turned out to be my worst night ever; my girlfriend dumped me at the beginning, and my shades were stolen.THe first point will be a good story to tell.
I quit my job on Sunday, it was a pleasure to work there. Eventually theyt made me feel happy on Saturday, joking around and blaming the girl.I like them people.
Yep, that's it.
P.S.:advice; for dandruff the best solution is Pantene; it is hugely effective after two days.Fructis is crap though.

2008. május 17., szombat

Blackrock Flee Market

I was at Blackrock today. I wanted to take a look at the market.I read about it in a tourist magazine, but in an antique shop i was told that its kinda small and my host-mum didn't encourage me neither.They were absolutely right. I almost misssed it and thought there is literally nothing, but pay attention;
You get off the DART station, walk up the village and it is in an inner yard.
I'd advise you to go there maybe to buy something special for souvenir rather than the stuff in Caroll's [the big chain of gift shops].
The most interestind stall had a woman in her 50s for owner, and she wasn't really nice.No bargaining; "You get it for 40 in an antique shop", but the people at the cafe are kind.
Bottom line is; go, buy some nice Irish thing, have a coffe for 2,25 , read the paper, listen to ragtime, and get back to town or keep on and take a look at Killiney Bay.
P.S.: Unlike most flee markets; it gets busier at 11-12