2008. február 24., vasárnap

The lower deck

You want an Irish pub in Dublin? Go to The lower deck. The solldiers from Cathal Brugha barracks go there as well and locals watch the rugby games. A pint is 4€. I think there is not much to say, It has a great and friendly athmosphere.

It is located in Rathmines, Portobello Harbour 1, Dblin 8. Buses going there are 128, 83 and 15.



This club is near O'Connell bridge and redZ, meaning it is easy to reachby bus or DART.
The entrance fee is 10€ and as usual ID is checked. On Mondays if you have a flyer the entrance is only 1€ and the drinks are 3€. the music is, well you know my opinion on Rihanna and whatever. They have loads of screens playing the music vids.
P.S.:website, beware of house music playing in the intro

2008. február 23., szombat


Yesterday I met up with the spanish in Dun Laoghaire. You can't imagine how annoying it can be when 20 people shout around you, and you just don't get it. However most of them switched to English when I asked them. We made our way into town with almost the last DART, after waiting because a boy and a girl broke up. After waiting for the arguing couple again, two girls and me just left and went to XXI.

The night went great, some drinks, bad music, but nice people and great time.On the bus I was lucky to sit down beside Germans and they didn't know I understodd them, so it was a bit awkward when I revealed I do. Still we changed phone numbers and will meet sometime.I got home at around 4 o'clock.


P.S.:Today is the Ireland against Scotland rugby game and the city is filled with kilts.

2008. február 22., péntek


Well, as I said, there is nothing happening. An Austrian lad who came after Christmas went back; he did not like Ireland. I draw a poster, I may do a better version and than post it.
OK, i found something important; I will have a training session by the Navy on Sunday.Great!!:-D
Tonight we'll go into town (i.e. Dublin city center) with a spanish fella.
P.S.:i listen and learn Billy Joel-Piano man on harmonica

2008. február 20., szerda


Also ich bin zuruck aus dem Snowboarden, und es war toll.Ich dachte ich kann euch darueber berichten wie man eine Fernbeziehung am Leben haltet, aber leider nicht.
Zur Zeit haben die Leute hier anstatt von Abi-Stress MOCK Stress.MOCK nennt man die Vorprufungen, die nur da sind um einfach zu messen was man schaffen wurde. Ich fand eine Creperie wo die ziemlich groBe pancackes haben.
Das ist es zur Zeit, wir haben sehr schones Wetterm und mal sehen was wird.
P.S.:Die am meisten interessante posts in den kommenden Wochen werden Harmonika Sachen glaub' ich.

2008. február 6., szerda


Ma helybol erdekesen kezdodott a napom, ugyanis tegnap mikor jotem haza a haditengereszettol, lattam egy hajo fenyeit az obolben.Csodalkoztam, milyen nagy, halaszhajo lenne, vagy susumotoros?Ma reggel viszont a napfelkelteben ott allt ket hadihajo.Gyonyoru volt, az egyik epp indult es a leheto legszukebb koron fordult, gondoltam is magamban, na ezen fogok en szolgalni lehet egy par hetet.
A suliban aztan lement a nap, utana meg voltam egyet a varosban kacskaringozni, es most itthon szajharmonika meg effelek.
P.S.:szombaton aztan irany Budapest, Snowboard

Radio City Dublin

Radio City Dublin is located near to Connolly station, and so it is very easy to find.
The upper floor is a bar without entrance fee, however i haven't seen a single person there.
the fee for downstairs has been 10€ when i was there but it may vary depending on the gig.
A pint is 4 something, so i would say the place is average Dublin, both in prices and style.
My personal opinion is that the place does not have a special atmosphere, and the people aged between 20 and 35 are probably visiting RCD every week.I think it is a bit boring and I left at around midnight.
On my evening an indie group played first; good stuff some 5 dancing, but later on the Dj didn't really receive the admiration of the 40 people who were there at the night.

2008. február 5., kedd

Hallo erstmal

Diese Wochenende war vielleich das am besten bis jetzt;
am freitag habe ich nichts gemacht und am Samstag habe ich auch nur gepennt.aber am Samstag Abend war Afterparty vom Musical auf dem Programm und es ist richtig gut ausgefallen; viele Mädels, Leute, bisschen trinken und am Ende beim Kumpel schlafen.Geiles Gefuehl.
Am Sonntag gab's dann mächtig Sturm und es gab kein segeln aber am Abend sind wir ins Kino gegangen; Cloverfield.
Obwohl ich immer noch seeehr viele Filme schaue schreibe ich keine Reviews mehr.Uber cloverfield nur so viel; das Kamera muss ja geil sein, haltet alles aus und funktioniert fuer 9 Stunden.Das "size zero" Mädel haltet ein Stachel durch Lunge und Herz fuer 5 Stunden aus und kann dann noch 38 Stockwerke nach unten klettern und laufen.Die ueberleben ein Hubschrauberunfall aus der Hohe 400m.jaaaaaaaaaa.Also wenn Cloverfield oder godzilla dann definitiv Godzilla.
P.S.:ich bin wirklich froh, abgesehen von einiges