2007. december 1., szombat


Barcode is located near the Clontarf Road DART station, which is the next one right after Conolly St. You can see it straight when you get off the train.
the address is Clontarf road 3, but as far as i know it is a troubled area of the city and it is not recomennded to walk around alone, I did and didn't have any problems).
It is a bit out of the city center and this can be seen in:
no entrance fee
cheap prices:3 € a BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irish instead of tourists
The music is unfortunately mainstream:Rihanna, Britney Spears and DJ made techno...., exactly what I don't like.
There are games, the usual; car racing, motor racing......and table football.
Huge amount of TVs and projectors show Sports all the time.
nothing else to say, I better don't give a rating as I didn't like the music, but if that fits you, you should go.


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