2007. október 9., kedd


Let'sbegin with my life and then get over to the tipps.
Normal day.English test is 58 % the best in class 76%.I found a Takeaway near to the school.After schoool I've been to the city, just took a look.My classmates are I think more annoted by my wuestions then understanding.I think they found it interesting what I ask, because it is normal to them but new to me.they are together since 6 years and I'm the freshman, everybody is an individual, not like at younger age.I'll keep trying to find out about partys and so on.
What can you eat in Dublin?
most of the pubs have meals, but they are expensive, yet tey often have great steak.Tesco provides 26% of food for Irish households and there you can by warm chicken stuff, too; i like the spicy chicken wings and drumsticks: big bag 1,95E.The most of the takeaways have Doner Kebab, but the price is higher ten in Germany: I experienced 5,10-7,80.
the car traffic is terrible in the city, mostly in the morning and in the afternoon.the DART is full at these times, too.
I found a hostel in the center: Paddy's Palace Dublin: it is really in town and they are nice people.It's nothing as far as I just went in to take a map and chatted a bit, but still sth.
For surfers: Killiney beach is the only spot in the bay.And for everybody, the ride to Killiney and back is beautiful doesn't take more than 40 minutes from the town, you saw the video.
P.S.:On the weekend I'll write about nightlife and how a rugby game looks like in a real pub.

2 megjegyzés:

Névtelen írta...

You forgot the inimitable perk of going all the way to Bray with the DART, namely, pretty scenery on the way and cheap beer in Bray.

Just don't lose your DART pass - I once had to walk home from Bray to Killiney, and man it was torture!

dana_hun írta...

That's an awful long way!And well yes, the scenery is b-e-a-utiful.
P.S.:i just got back from Cork, the landscape is a bit boring, but nice
sheep-cow-empty field-houses-empty field-sheep-sheep-sheeeeeep-co-sheep-cow-house-empty field :-DDD