2007. szeptember 10., hétfő


i SPEAK A LOT OF GERMAN."i'M WATCHING KISS, KISS BANG, BANG"sry for the caps lock.had different courses today, the geography teacher reminded me not to belate, whatever I'm gonna drop geography as higher level and I had to talk to the math teacher.that man is awesome, the maths lessons are great, but its pretty difficult to me.W e had some women there who spoke abput applying for university in Ireland, she was nice but I hate her style, she's gonna help us during the whole year.I had waterpolo today at the school.The pool is bad; 25m, warm water and sometimes 1,5 meter deep, that sucks.I'm back from playing some rugy with garret, one of the three german guys staying in Shankill.I'm not sure if I can play rugby as well, I'll see.SHIT my monitor is like peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. its annoying.So that was it I'll see you later.
P.S.:I found a novel: The year in Ireland by Kevin Danaher, funny isn't it?

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