2007. szeptember 9., vasárnap

dalkey island

na ezt reggel latom suliba menet

4 megjegyzés:

Névtelen írta...

[do:ki], spelled: D-a-l-k-e-y.

Just for the sake of, well, nitpicking.


dana_hun írta...

Csistof, megtisztelo hogy postoltal
tenyleg elirtam,sorry thought its like my host mum said and that didn't sound the same as she said Dalkey, but you're right

Névtelen írta...

I know. I tend to treat the last part of the statement as axiomatic.

Other than that, how do you like it there? I used to live in Killiney for a couple of summers, I daresay I enjoyed it a lot. I reckon it must be getting colder there, too, mustn't it?

dana_hun írta...

well,I like it very much.I'm swimming, although its very cold, I go out with my lads from the school its getting better.Ther was no rain in the last two weeks so its even better than expected. As a sailer (no sailor) I adore to see the sea every morning and smell it and hear it and feel it.I like it here.